A nation already old and corrupted which will courageously shake - TopicsExpress


A nation already old and corrupted which will courageously shake off the yoke of its monarchical government in order to adopt a republican one will only be able to maintain itself by many crimes, for it is already in crime, and if it wants to pass from crime to virtue, that is, from a violent to a gentle state, it will fall into an inertia which will soon result in its certain ruin. (SADE) That which had a political face and imagined itself political will unmask itself one day and reveal itself to be a religious movement. (KIERKEGAARD) Today solitary, you who live separated, you will one day be a people. Those who appointed themselves will one day form an appointed people — and it is from this people that will be born the existence that surpasses man. (NIETZSCHE)
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 09:48:40 +0000

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