A nation of suckers pays attention to the scripted storylines - TopicsExpress


A nation of suckers pays attention to the scripted storylines orchestrated by the establishment cooperative of the government and media. We listen to the pitiful story of the youth in Ferguson who had just bully robbed a store owner and got shot by a cop who the young man may have attacked. As video proof surfaced, the agitators and government agents peeled off and the media went silent. Before they did, a proud display of a highly militarized police state was shown to the world. A police force with equipment most third world countries would beg for to provide its own border protections. We are watching the Ukraine story being edited to fit a goal most are uncertain of. We see pictures of an acre of land declared to be in Ukraine with Russian equipment which we are told to believe is a huge invasion from an aggressor. Russia is starting WWIII. Our job is to economically destroy them now according to BHO. Gaza is in ruins according to the media. They were watching soccer and bam, Israel attacked and laughed and cheered. No mention of rockets fired on Israel over the years, nor the commitment a certain Hamas organization has certified unto itself to kill every Jew on the planet. So Israel is starting WWIII. The US admin wanted to attack Assad in Syria last year but Obama and Kerry couldnt sell their lies. The people FINALLY put a smack down on the cocky smirk. But, wait, theres more! Now we must help Assad because ISIS, a suddenly highly trained and very formidable military force is sweeping the Middle East into an Islamic State. I think that the Middle East IS very predominantly Muslim, Islamic, or whatever you prefer to call it. All ISIS us really doing is cleansing the Christians as directed centuries ago by a guy named Muhammad. And how convenient is it that the translation of ISIS name from Arabic to English creates such a friendly sounding acronym? They want Jews and Christians to convert, be enslaved, or pay a fee to live. Currently, killing them seems to be preferred. Remember Bring Back Our Girls? Im pretty sure their lives are ruined by now. And more have been taken. And more will be. Global warming is a bust. Al Gore has made hundreds of millions off a lie. Welcome back ice caps. How was your vacation? Illegal immigration is good for us according to liberals. It strengthens the American fabric by further indebting our country and ensuring more and more of our citizens and friendly helpless downtrodden neighbors from southern countries take all they can for those of us that pay a huge portion of our earnings in taxes. Not to mention thise from other parts of the world that use those southern corridors to enter and plan to cause as much distress very soon. We wont mention any names though, that would be politically incorrect. Along with those, we are importing former Muslim fighters legally to this country and allowing them to use our resources for their future purposes. The Sandy Hook, Boston, Aurora fiascos have been removed from media because we see the same actors. May recently we discovered that Mr. Foleys sister is also a classmate of Adam Lanzas who barely knew him but seems to have an identity crisis. Is her name Foley or Israel? I think she may suffer from a multiple identity disorder. I expect a car accident soon. The world is broken. It is not broken by the general populace. It is broken by division perpetuated by a desire for power and wealth. Governments are jockeying for their own positions at the table and dont give a damn about the rest of us. We are being led to slaughter by staying quiet and compliant. We are sacrificing our children for our own security. We are the 99%. The only way we lose is by not stopping the madness.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 18:37:40 +0000

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