A new poll taken of Louisiana voters suggests Gov. Bobby Jindal is - TopicsExpress


A new poll taken of Louisiana voters suggests Gov. Bobby Jindal is one of the most unpopular governors in the country. Voters would prefer to have Edward Edwards as governor over Jindal - the other criminal! Now a convicted felon and congressional candidate, Edwards says hes flattered that some Louisiana voters would prefer to see him back in charge of the state. Look, I was a good governor. Im very controversial, I admit that. A lot of people dont like my politics, Ill admit that but I took care of the state and I took care of the people, Edwards said Tuesday. The poll of over 1,100 people, shows Louisianans say by a 47 to 43 spread theyd rather Edwards over Jindal. In addition, only 34 percent of voters approve of the job Jindal is doing. Charlie Bishop adds, I think anything is better than Jindal. Tulane political analyst Mike Sherman says, Whether this poll is right on or 10 points off, thats still a problem for the sitting governor. Its clear hes focusing his attention on national ambitions and what the people in Louisiana think of him is not important right now to him. Sherman says Jindal is maintaining impeccable credentials for a Republican primary race for president but that doesnt mean voters here would support him. In fact, only 20 percent of people polled thought Jindal should run for president. But according to Sherman, that figure probably isnt fazing the governor. I think the only thing the governor and his political team are looking at is what appeals to the Republican presidential primary voters, Sherman explained. Some New Orleanians we spoke to say they do agree with the way Jindal is running the state. I mean I dont think hes done a bad job, said voter Eve Barrett. But when asked if he should run for the countrys highest office, they didnt seem so sure. I dont know about that, said Barrett. Sherman says in the next year or so, Jindals bigger plans will be revealed. And despite low approval ratings here, that doesnt mean he can be counted out. I think Jindal as a sitting governor of a state absolutely has to be part of the discussion, now whether or not he can propel himself to the upper tier of candidates remains to be seen, said Sherman. Sherman points out there has been controversy in the past about the methodology used by the Public Policy Polling firm and how it collects its data. The company says 80 percent of responses were garnered via the telephone, while 20 percent came from the Internet.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 17:23:51 +0000

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