A new revised Introduction for my book. I took some good advice - TopicsExpress


A new revised Introduction for my book. I took some good advice and tinkered with it. :) Hopefully it makes you Curious. This is not what you would call a “normal” book. None of what is going on here is. YET. And that is the beauty of it. This is something new here. Authentic and Accessible to all. Jesus has been quoted in the New Testament, but not to the extend of what we have here. What we have put together is not a story. It is a Factual dialogue of conversations that I have had with Jesus Christ. I have been asking Him questions over the span of many months, on a variety of topics, and in the process, He has been teaching me so that I can pass the information along to all of you, the public. YES, YOU CAN GET EXCITED! This is really happening now, in YOUR lifetime!! This is not just an interview with Jesus Christ. This is so much more!!!!! In this book are the actual words spoken by Jesus. I have recorded all of our conversations and have transcribed them just as He said them. These are the official transcripts from our talks. Jesus is teaching. Jesus is answering questions and explaining concepts so we can understand them better. You may be asking, “Is this really possible?” “How did this come to be?” You bet it is! I will give you my introduction first, then Laurie will give hers, and then Jesus will explain it to you more in the book. What I really wanted to do was write a book with my friend, Laurie Stimpson. Laurie is a very gifted Medium. Weve known each other since 2005, I think. To trace back our friendship, we would have to start with being brought together by my aunt, who had gotten a reading from Laurie. I was then given her number. Laurie changed my life when she asked my ex-husband and I in our reading together, “Who is the one that doesnt want to move?” Those words spoke to my soul. It was like I was awakened to the facts that I had refused to look at up until then. I dont think she even knows how much of an impact that sentence had on me-until she reads it here. :) For our book together, I thought Laurie could channel Spirit, and I would record it all and transcribe everything. It would have to be done over the phone because we live in different states but that sounded like fun to me!!! I remember the morning that I proposed the idea to her. I had been on Facebook and a girl had posted a bunch of sayings by Abraham Hicks. I did not know who Abraham Hicks was. I made a mental note to find out. Then I called Laurie for some reason. I think it was to tell her about how I healed my postpartum depression (she had found the root of it during a past life reading she did for me). I told her how my husband and I had some questions about the Bible-like, “When was the 1st womans movement from that time? How did it go from say, 15 wives- to only 1?” Cause thats not in there! Its not in here either though, hehe, but my wheels were churning at the possibilities of what I could find out! I pitched the idea to her. She thought that was great because she had wanted to do something like that but just didnt know who would want to do it with her! THEN she mentioned Abraham Hicks!! I knew that by her bringing that up, it was a sign for us to do it and wouldnt you know, I moved my leg and here a tiny white feather was perched on it! (An Angel calling card!!) So I knew that we were deciding to do something that had Heavens Seal of Approval. Laurie and I actually didnt start our project for many months. Time got away from us and we were kept busy with major life changes. Me with a newborn and my mom passing away from cancer and Laurie was still dealing with the repercussions that cancer had left her with. I had been secretly hoping that Jesus would want to become involved with this book since I speak to Him pretty much all the time in my daily thoughts. Hes my best friend in a lot of ways. Laurie had given me my yearly reading months before and Mother Mary had been the spokesperson. I remember how special I felt that she would be there for me in that way so I wondered if Jesus did anything like this. Its not like Laurie and I said, “Hey, lets see if Jesus wants to do this.” That never happened. It was all really very simple and that was pretty much the only conversation we had about it-the initial idea of it-before we started-except to set a date and time on the calendar to start. I just thought that we would see if Archangel Michael or Mother Mary would want to answer the questions that I had. I didnt know anything about Archangel Nathaniel so I would see if he wanted to come through. I just figured I would go into it with an open mind about who showed up and with what information they would allow me to have. I didnt really have anything prepared because I didnt know what to expect. I had to wing Jesus and Is first conversation, much like I have had to recently do with my first conversation with Mother Mary for the second book in this series. So many times, about so many subjects and experiences, I have thought to myself, “What would Jesus think about this?” I just wanted The Truth. Like many other people do. Many times I would get an answer to write about on my blog-some of that was turned into my first book, which Jesus references, titled, “Love, God” but to actually have a conversation back and forth with Him? That would be Awesome! To be honest, I didnt really think it would happen. I thought Jesus was much too important and -untouchable in a way-for this type of thing. You can imagine my surprise when Laurie told me that He would like to honor me with this just before we began. Me? Honor ME? Jesus wants to talk to me and answer my questions?!! THIS was BIG. BIGGER than I could have imagined!! Think about it. You are told literally MINUTES before you start talking to Spirit that its Jesus that wants to talk to you. I freaked out-though you wouldnt really know it if youd listen to the tapes- but wouldnt you? I mean, its JESUS! All kinds of thoughts went through my head. “How do I behave around Him?” “I hope He doesnt think Im stupid.” “I hope He likes me!” “What if He asks me a question and I dont know the answer??” “Holy crap! This is REALLY happening!!!” “Be cool, Beth. Be cool.” Over the past few months, I have gotten to know Jesus pretty well. You will learn personal things about Him that you never knew before. He really is NOT untouchable. To anyone. I am just as worthy to be speaking to Him as anyone of you and I had to accept my Self-Worth right from the beginning. Before all of this I thought of Him and God as my two best friends. Now I get to actually call Him up like one! LOL Yes, Jesus and I could chat about lots of things but I tried my best to get answers to questions that many of us have. Or maybe are afraid to ask Him. You wouldnt want to insult him, right? I found out that you cant. Its impossible. There is a little about ALOT of stuff in here. There is information in here that will shock you, that will make you incredibly happy, that will be a Relief to hear. Concepts that you will have to take time to reflect upon and there are truths in here where you might have to put the book down and cry. I found moments where I would be standing in my driveway and Id think about what Jesus had said and how that pertains to certain things both globally and personally and I would bawl. It wasnt until our last day that I actually really cried when I was on the phone with Him. What He said spoke to my heart and I felt the Truth in my Soul. (Dont look ahead though because I feel it will be special to you when you reach that point in your journey also). Throughout the book I have added my personal experiences that have accompanied these teachings so that they can be an example for anyone that may need it. Jesus thought that was a good idea too :) I have left out my personal opinions and thoughts that went through my head after Jesus said this or Jesus said that as the conversations go on because by me adding to it, it takes away from the messages themselves. I do not want my opinion to sway what You may be feeling and thinking. It is meant for YOU to be able to stop and reflect whenever you feel the need to. This is really about Your Journey. Remembering Who You Are. When I first started talking to Jesus, I thought to myself, “How would Meredith Vieira or Diane Sawyer interview Him? What kinds of questions would they ask?” or “How would Brian Williams approach this?” But when it came down to it, I was myself. The information that Jesus gave me soaked in much clearer when I would type it out late into the hours of the night vs. when He would be telling it to me over the phone. Going back through and reading it from beginning to end, I am amazed that what He told me about Healing one week, there would appear opportunities in my life in between our talks so that I would know and understand how to use these teachings. That is why I am so excited to be bringing these messages forth! Because they work!!!! Over and over and over again!!! My advice is to read this with an open mind. Start to observe what goes on in your life while you read this. Take notes. Keep a journal. This will take Effort on your part but it will be Worth it! You will be able to start to put these practices into action and JUST KNOW that you have help and guidance when you ask for it. Like Jesus says, the answers always come. Its just up to you to remain open and become aware of the different ways they do. Welcome to your Journey!!!!! -Elizabeth :) From my requests to know Truth from Jesus about many things, I learned how to heal. You can too. THANK YOU, JESUS!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 17:12:53 +0000

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