A new study just came out that will basically make gun control - TopicsExpress


A new study just came out that will basically make gun control activists heads explode. And weirdly enough, that study comes out of Harvard. The gist of the study? Gun laws may actually INCREASE death rates, and the "mantra that more guns mean more deaths and that fewer guns means fewer deaths" is a complete load of monkey crap. The study "shows numbers for Eastern European gun ownership and corresponding murder rates, it is readily apparent that less guns to do not mean less death. In Russia, where the rate of gun ownership is 4,000 per 100,000 inhabitants, the murder rate was 20.52 per 100,000 in 2002. That same year in Finland, where the rater of gun ownership is exceedingly higher–39,000 per 100,000–the murder rate was almost nill, at 1.98 per 100,000. Looking at Western Europe, the study shows that Norway “has far and away Western Europe’s highest household gun ownership rate (32%), but also its lowest murder rate.” And then...."when the study focuses on intentional deaths by looking at the U.S. vs Continental Europe, the findings are no less revealing. The U.S., which is so often labeled as the most violent nation in the world by gun control proponents, comes in 7th–behind Russia, Estonia, Lativa, Lithuania, Belarus, and the Ukraine–in murders. America also only ranks 22nd in suicides. The murder rate in Russia, where handguns are banned, is 30.6; the rate in the U.S. is 7.8."..
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 06:44:36 +0000

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