A new survey asked 2200 people whether the sun revolves around the - TopicsExpress


A new survey asked 2200 people whether the sun revolves around the earth or the earth around the sun. 26% of them answered incorrectly. A new study has found that bullying has a negative health impact on children. This goes contrary to the widely accepted belief that bullying builds character and prepares you for the rest of your life where you will face assholes on a daily basis. The concept of fairness is a purely human thing. Animals that operate mostly from the Id don’t worry about it as it never crosses their minds. Only a human could/would construct a scenario that must reward or punish based on cosmic forces. You reap what you sow, if at all accurate, is causal. It is not cosmic. If you shoot heroin in your eye twice a day for a year and then die of an overdose, it isn’t the universe keeping things in check. You injected heroin in your eye. So it is exactly the universe keeping things in check. Through actions… If you’re an asshole to everyone you know and you die a bitter old man or equally bitter old woman alone, sitting in your soiled faux-leather recliner, sipping diet Shasta cola, it isn’t because your soul is tainted. It’s because you were a dick and no one likes you. I suppose it could be argued that you were an asshole because your soul was tainted. It could also be argued that water is not wet and is actually poisonous. Nothing can be proven on a long enough time frame. We just keep getting lucky. Water, may be, the number one cause of death. Actually The number one cause of death is lack of oxygen to the brain. It’s fatal every time….up to this point. I don’t know why but my brain just asked me: Who was the hottest first lady of all time? I would think that was an odd question but my brain and I have been together for a while now and I’ve learned to put up with him (it) (me) (us). Answer: Frances Cleveland (wife of Grover Cleveland). Anyway I think I was talking about fairness or being fair or maybe Rick Flair or how county fairs are bad for America as they constantly reinforce negative stereotypes concerning mullets. I actually am genetically predisposed to mullet-dom (mullethood?). If left unattended my hair will grow into a standard-issue level 7 mullet. It’s nothing special really. I simply look like Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon two, minus the poorly hidden Australian accent, and contempt for Judaism.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 03:59:54 +0000

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