A note by a progressive Indian on the newly elected BJP - TopicsExpress


A note by a progressive Indian on the newly elected BJP government. This is the view held by many Indians too! Its a bit long, but do read! What is your opinion now? ________________________________ Everything about Modi cannot be wrong or bad Yes, it cannot be. But whatever perceived good or right there is about Modi is also not acceptable for various reasons. And many Modi critics like me who have considered him a threat to this nation, have followed him since 2002 can decipher all his games and know instinctively all his strategic moves. His seemingly good moves have a malicious intent and long term conspiracy hid beneath somewhere (Thats why the clean chits, media endorsements and celebrity support to him means zero to us). Here are some of the claims Newly baptized FanBoys forward and question our rationality, but we have reasons behind these Modi-goodness being Not Acceptable. 1. Modis good governance claim : Beside there being dispute over this claim, his Govt runs on totally undemocratic spirit which is not acceptable. Ministers are puppets, administrators are slaves, all departments lack any autonomous authority and everything depends on Modis whims. 2. Modi be respected as constitutionally elected Head of Govt : Does Modi himself respect the constitution of this country? His functioning is out and out unconstitutional. He does not respect constitutional institutes, procedure and authorities beside him. As for electoral popularity, 55 to 60 % voted against him in Gujarat, 67% against him nationally! 3. His being most popular leader : Modi uses this Popularity weapon against all his woes and foes, even in keeping himself above all in BJP and RSS. This popularity is gained by perpetrating the most heinous pogrom of independent India, playing majoritarian politics and then keep duping public through propaganda - so not acceptable. 4. Modis economic policy and growth claims : There is no policy beside helping crony capitalist forces. Giving away cheap lands, loans, contracts and helping them in wrong-doings. Growth is only superficial and cosmetic, limited to major urban cities and targeted only to elites and neo-rich middle class. Not real, not inclusive, not sustainable so - not acceptable. 5. Business friendly Govt, fast approval of projects, no red tape : As mentioned above this is only for big corporates and cronies not for small and medium businesses & industries. In fact thousands of SMEs have closed down during Modis tenure in Gujarat. MOUs are the biggest sham & scam of Modis Vibrant Tamasha. 6. Modi being incorruptible and claim of No Corruption : The facts that crony capitalists rule the roost in Gujarat is proof enough of Modi being corrupt, morally and monetarily. Rs 5,000 Crore that went in to his PM-ship propaganda, where do you think it came from?! Adani is called Modis dukan in Gujarat. Modi himself do not need small bribes, yet small time corruption is rampant in Gujarat. 7. The claim of Modi being true secular : Ha - Ha. This claim is being made simply on the basis of Modi not appeasing muslims. What about appeasing Hindus in the name of all are equal, where all means majority community by default. Modi celebrates all Hindu festivals & rituals and his government unashamedly discriminate against minorities. ...the list can go on and on. But better you tell us what you consider good about Modi and we - the Modi critics - can break that myth!
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 15:52:36 +0000

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