A note from Allan, Post Hello everyone, its Allan. I just - TopicsExpress


A note from Allan, Post Hello everyone, its Allan. I just wanted to again Thank you all for praying for me. I hope you never get tired of hearing me say this. As you all know, two of the spots on my leg that were cancerous are now gone and I only have one spot left on my leg that is now smaller and it has less activity. The spot on my back in the L4/L5 area is also smaller, but with more activity. The doctor believes that the heightened activity is actually healing taken place. We will not know if this is the case until we go back to Texas. When I heard the news I was unable to express all that I was feeling. Even the doctor was pleased with the results. He asked me what I was doing. So I began by saying that I was a Christian and that we were praying with others for healing. Then I said on the human side of things I was alkalining my body, he seemed very interested. I told him that I read that cancer cannot grow in an alkalized body. I asked him if he was familiar with what I was talking about and surprisingly enough, he was. He said years ago there was a study done where people would eat bicarbonate pills, which help alkaline the body, but the study was never completed because people could not tolerate eating the pills. I told him I was doing it through diet. I told the doctor about the 80/20 principle where you eat 80% of your food that alkalizes your body and 20% of your foods that dont. I told him there are charts on line that tell you which foods are acidic and which ones that arent. After our discussion I asked him if he thought that this was helping. He said he did not know, but to keep on doing what I was doing and we would also keep the chemo going. While I cannot be sure, it is my belief that God lead me to the alkaline diet and that is why I do it. I share the alkaline diet in hope of helping people avoid cancer. Cancer is such a devastating disease and if I could help someone avoid cancer or to find healing while going through what ever treatment plan they have chosen, then it would have been worth it. Allan
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 19:11:08 +0000

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