A note from Crazy Beautiful: Sundays Yoga was simply - TopicsExpress


A note from Crazy Beautiful: Sundays Yoga was simply amazing....never have I been a fan...but one day out of the blue God led me to Gabby Bernstein and kudalini....the stress and vitality I did with her was my first experience and the meditations in her workshop was the first time I meditated....I have had a close walk with God...sometimes so close that I felt it would be weird to talk about it and the things I have experienced. my family doesnt speak of a relationship with God in this way. My dad is the ultimate example of walking a life of spirituality. I am so blessed today to know he gave me that gift. If not for the gift my dad gave me so young I might not have been open and ready for what was coming my way at such a young age. Not that I would not have gotten there...I believe we all can get there. Where is there? The place where we understand that God is within us...the spirit is what is guiding our soul on a journey as we walk this earth. I let the world take on and reside in places of my spirit for years and took on the worldly actions and thoughts we all fall prey too. I worried, I stressed, I tried to please, I became a warrior to make things happen as if it was up to me, I tried to strive for goals without seeking God first, I got into relationships that didnt serve me but left me drained. I see all that now....I look back and see that what my coach with Tony Anthony Robbins said was so true...all I have done up till now has been practice....I am still practicing. I am sharpening the skills and chiseling away at the things that do not serve me now. I am letting go and remembering that all I am here for in its truest form. I am not afraid of what was or what will be. I am just content in being here now and walking in a light that will bring others to their light. I remember feeling this feeling at different points in my life and how amazing I felt....I remember how I bought the ideals of the world and as the book The Slight Edge says ...I got off track from what it was that served me best. A song came to me yesterday...a song that touches me to my core each time I hear it. It is a soul song for me. It means to bow to the Primal Wisdom, I bow to the wisdom of the ages, I bow to the True Wisdom, I bow to the great unseen Wisdom. To me that is God. I am bowing my soul, to my heritage, to my highest truth, and most of all to the center of it all for me which is God for He is within me. How often we forget to just do this every day. How we often take it for granted. How often we just put it aside for our own reasons.. and little by little we drift farther and farther away. Even those of us who feel we are very spiritual and walking with God are guilty of this. We all have our sources to pull us back center. None of us are going to have this same experience through the same channels. Our experiences are unique like our handprint. Our souls are here to experience, to learn, and to teach. Judging how is none of our business....for the journey is with God and He is love. He doesnt judge and as Rha Goddess told me He is forever patient while we run around in this maze looking for what is always within us. HE is there. HE has downloaded the exact blueprint of that which we are to fulfill. We lose sight of that and we lose our purpose. Like a computer we can reboot and start over. I am grateful today for so many things most of all Gods love. If you want to listen to this song it is linked below. May you find peace. May you find happiness. May you know that you are holy within and that all your experiences and situations are here to serve your highest truth. I know this may sound crazy but I am Crazy Beautiful. Life is crazy, I act crazy sometimes, but shed all of that and what lies within is a beauty that God has eloquently placed in each soul print not just mine.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 13:30:17 +0000

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