A note from katie for the New year. Another year—is it true? - TopicsExpress


A note from katie for the New year. Another year—is it true? Are you recalling what wasn’t, which is now what isn’t, only to stay blind to the gift that keeps on giving eternally now, which is everything that’s not? I think that to recall what was wonderful is wonderful, as long as you love what wasn’t as it is recalled now. Questioning what isn’t now, as it is recalling itself into existence, changes everything that is recalled, until you really love everything that is being thought. My invitation to you is to always continue to look forward to the recalled as it flows for you, to be willing for all to come through the world of the dreamer (the one you call you) as it appears to flow. There is nothing real but apparent imagination and, as usual, I am inviting the imagined to imagine without being stuck in the production of life as opposed to imagination. Do you know the difference? That is what inquiry wakes “you” up to. There is only the true nature of mind, the one mind. (Of course, that isn’t true either, since even mind doesn’t exist, but, as you may know, I refer to it as “the last story) The questioned mind’s nature is always kindness, and it has absolutely no quarrel with itself, since it understands itself as everything. When something appears to appear that is unlike its kind self and nature—a negative thought, unreal, untrue—mind splits away from its enlightened self, it has identified as something unlike itself, straining to be something that it is not and can never be and that is the separation, the war with the self has begun and another self created, a false self, mind at war with what it is and isn’t and can never be. This is the denial of what it is and the belief in what it isn’t. The mind prior to separation can without interruption create a kind infinite unceasing world, but the moment it identifies away from its nature it gets stuck as a thing, a body, a you. When the mind is creating out of identified nature, it unceasingly flows, delights, watches as it appears to create as a something but never identifies as that something. It doesn’t stop to do war, because there is no “that” to stop it. There is no death, suffering, no life to suffer or die as. Nothing to have or keep or be. “I am mind” is enough, it’s the end and the beginning, it’s everything. Eventually the identified questioned mind realizes that it can be nothing and create eternally, it can never die, can never suffer, never wake, never sleep, never be the creator and is that. It is awake to itself as that. War is simply mind’s fear that it has to be something in order to be. “It” splits away from what it is to what it isn’t in order to exist, and I (mind) have come to see clearly that “I” am without being, and it is good. In this dream world “I” am always you, I never cease to love what I create and give life to, which is you, me, everything. How is it okay that children suffer? Look to your own suffering and ask yourself. End the suffering of one child in the world: you. If you are suffering, you are a child, a child in awareness, innocently suffering your own lack of enlightenment, your own immaturity. As a child, the only possible way to suffer is to believe the thoughts arising in your mind. In other words, the only way to suffer is to believe that you’re really believing what you thin you believe. The Work that I invite you to is not a little thing, it is the beginning of the end of the world as you have known it to be, and the end of suffering in your world, and your world is our world. You have the power to end fear, and the end of fear is the end of war. I invite you to take yourself to the paradigm-shift that is possible right here, right now. Take a little walk into you and change the whole world. Isn’t that what you really want? I invite you to The Work, four questions, turnarounds, and examples of those turnarounds that introduce you to a kinder world than the one you have been believing in. As you do The Work, if that is your choice, I invite you to understand that the answers to the first two questions are either yes or no. I invite you to commit to one or the other as, one by one, you question the stressful concepts that you believe to be true. Notice that the moment you begin to justify or defend your yes or no answer, The Work immediately stops working. You have traded peace for the old way, the war with the self. Before inquiry or after inquiry, you can be right about what you believe, you can go back to defending your beliefs. But to justify or defend them while you are answering the questions is to revert to no inquiry at all. As you answer question three—“How do you react when you believe that thought, what happens?”—I invite you to close your eyes and to seriously watch the world that happens: your feelings, your body, your mind and your life when you have believe, and because you believe, the thought you are Working. The Work is meditation, contemplation. Get very still, research, search again as you follow the simple directions. I invite you to take a leap into the third question, jump into it, go down into the hole and look around at what will enlighten you. This third question is the answer to “Why?” You have heard the question “Why me?” Your silent answers from within as you allow them to surface will answer your “whys and end all mysteries. This is a very good thing that you have the power to give yourself. Imagine the end of the mystery if you can. Now end that one as you enter question four—“Who would you be without that thought?” Without that thought, who are you? Be still and find out. Meditate on this question. Look back at your life just as you remember it to have been, only look back at it without the thought that you are Working. Now turn the thought around to opposites. For example, “My mother (or you can replace this with someone in your own life) doesn’t care about me” turns around to “I don’t care about my mother.” Now give yourself a minimum of three examples of where you have witnessed yourself being uncaring to your mother. Be still, watch, give yourself time in you. Find other turnarounds and examples of those and be still in each one. Now research your head, look again, and again. Enlightenment will spill into you through the personal images and may even bring about tears, screams, laughter, and awe. Now find other turnarounds such as “I don’t care about me” and look at examples for these. Get specific. “My mother does care about me.” Even though the person may be dead, go back as though she is alive. People only live in you, whether dead or alive anyway. Heal your mind and the body will follow until it has no need for healing. A happy mind has no need to heal, no need of a healthy or unhealthy body, since it doesn’t know a difference to worry over. It is everybody without separation. It is old, and young, and always beautiful. Sane mind doesn’t suffer or die, but mind identified as a body suffers as that identification and is the only possible illusion of suffering and death. I have written at length in this Parlor to invite your mind to The Work, knowing that peace can only come from your invitation to yourself. I too am your mind on paper, your own dear invitation. Peace and happiness are the same, and if that is your goal, The Work works. If your goal is anything else, please don’t bother, because it’s not anything else. In-joy yourself, re-joice yourself, know yourself, happiness yourself through inquiry. The Work is how, inside you releases the what. When you see the what, the enlightenment that the what shows you is all that is necessary for automatic change to take place, and it does. In peace, as peace, as your own dear self, BK
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 11:53:49 +0000

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