A number of you have probably been curious to know how I met my - TopicsExpress


A number of you have probably been curious to know how I met my wonderful, amazing, and just really great boyfriend, Dayne. Yes, he is not from the Philippines. Hes in america. We met on Gaia Online. I frequently post and waste time there LOL. It began with us engaging in many meaningful discussions in various threads, until we ended up talking to one another via PMs. Particularly, he found out I did cosplay because I posted a pic of my Yuno cos in reply to one of his replies which was a Yuno gif image. Then he asked me about it and I messaged him to direct him to tutorials and whatnot, since he expressed interest in costume making. Somehow we then just kept talking. Our topics ranged from philosophy, to life, and many other deep things that regular people would never understand, or even come close to discussing on a daily basis, more importantly with someone who is, essentially still a stranger whom you know nothing about. Eventually, we would talk to one another for long periods and believe me our string of PMs could probably be a mini-book by now because every reply has a lot of thought and content. XD Its funny because he told me from early-on, very bluntly that he was hitting on me. XDD I have never really been approached with such honesty and it fairly impressed and amused me. Despite this I never felt him talk to me as though he was trying hard to impress me, or make himself seem like an ideal, which is the usual thing to do. We disagreed, agreed, debated, and so on. I have never met someone with such intellectual capacity paired with great emotional understanding. Anyways... Aside from the topics wed discuss ranging from cosplay, to freaking out about pretty girls to bacon to life and the human existence and purpose and philosophy, we would talk about ourselves. Our lives, etc, the usual personal background. Was very surprised to find out hes Filipino and has family living here. What are the odds right? As cheesy as it is I was just like... *OMG FATE* when I learned that. We have a lot of common interests, common ways of thinking, values, moral views, just... I have never met a person I didnt need to explain my thought process to for them to understand where I come from when I express strong opinions. More importantly someone SO mature. Guys yall need to learn from him, I swear hes like... that guy in shoujo mangas. I dont even now, hes just really great and Im very lucky... Really lucky. T_T Hes the guy you read about in fictional romances that does everything to sweep you off your feet... and does it with sincerity, and without expecting anything. Hes extremely careful not to hurt me with anything he says or does, he lets me be myself, and do things I want to do. Someone who tells me hes upset and allows himself to feel that BUT discusses everything with absolute transparency. We can both be angry/sad/etc and its OKAY. Communication is always there. Hes proud of me and fearlessly Skype calls me in the midst of having quality time with his friends and family, he calls me beautiful without sugarcoating it---telling me I look pretty the moment I wake up in the morning, and I see him just staring at me while I probably still have drool on my pillow LOL---but also telling me that there are days where I look better, or look tired, or that certain hairstyles fit me better. We have a 16 hour difference but never fail to have a skype call over 3-5 hours every day, watch videos/movies/animes, and play games together. He never fails to make me smile or cheer me on. Hes helped me learn how to sincerely accept and appreciate myself, including my flaws. I know understand what it means to have real self-confidence and not plain bravado. Cheesy as it sounds, hes proven to me despite being halfway across the world, that love is not dead, romance is not dead, and goodness exists in humanity. Hes a very real and honest person... Also did I mention hes attractive and excessively EXCESSIVELY intelligent and is such a nice older brother aND THATS REALLY ++POINTS TO ME---oKAY SORRY I ENDED UP GUSHING LOL I NEED TO FINISH NARRATING HOW WE ENDED UP TOGETHER--- Anyways. I REALLY did not have the intention to get into another relationship. At least, not for a long time. Neither did he. The both of us have had erm... not the most pleasant past experiences. And for some reason our experiences seem to fit well with one another in that what we learned from them have made us more fitting for one another, if that makes sense. We discussed this. About being in a relationship, about the connection we felt. We even took it from a logical point of view. The compatibility level even objectively speaking is just really high. XD We were both like... this escalated quickly LOL. We just decided to, well, fall in love anyway. Because its going to lead there anyway. >w> My mom knows, my family knows, his family knows too and we say hi to one another over Skype at times. XD
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 17:56:36 +0000

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