A parable: A man lived alone in a cave with no family or friends. - TopicsExpress


A parable: A man lived alone in a cave with no family or friends. One day he got very ill and lost a lot of weight. By the time he healed he was thin and his clothes were too big. This man was God fearing and God admired him. One day God came to this man and said: I have a job for you. There is something I want you to do. The man man walked outside and followed God as he led him to a huge rock in front of his house. I want you to wake up one morning and push on this rock. Do that everyday until I come back to see you again. Without hesitating the man stared on the work God had given him. Every morning he pushed on the rock, day after day, rain or shine he pushed on the rock but the rock wouldnt move. Every evening he went to bed tired and weary and every morning he went back to his work. Days went by, weeks and then months. One day the man sat down beside the rock and realized it hasnt moved an inch. One day he prayed to God and asked him: God I have worked and worked and worked trying to push this rock but it hasnt moved an inch. I go to bed weary and wake up early but nothing happens. What am I supposed to do? God returned to the man and said: When I asked you to push the rock not once did I say anything about moving it. I never said move the rock I only said push it. Take a good look at yourself, because of pushing on this rock your body is now fit and muscled, your skin is smooth and tanned and you are as strong as a lion. The man looked down on his body for the first time and realized that this was true. When youre feeling down and out PUSH, when things dont seem to be going your way PUSH, when everyone seems to have ley you down PUSH, when your health gives you problems PUSH P-ray U- ntil S-omething H-appens Can I get 5000 likes and amens.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 05:14:05 +0000

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