A paradigm shift that is going to catapult you into your golden - TopicsExpress


A paradigm shift that is going to catapult you into your golden age of reaching fulfillment , getting results , accessing your trailblazing Divine potential and injecting your relationships with the best You possible I want to introduce you to a paradigm shift that will totally change your life if you allow it and I call this paradigm shift your M.P.Q(Miracle .Pace.Quotient) So many of us have dreams some of them big some of them small and they stay many a time in the realm of wishful thinking So many of us have many small tasks , bigger tasks,opportunities ,possibilities that come our way that we dismiss as too much ,not possible, we just dont have it in us to do it Many of us simply incarcerate ourselves within our perceived limitations dreaming ,wanting more, something different but resigning ourselves to the impossibility We at times see other achieving or reaching certain goals etc and we feel frustrated at times with the ease with which they do it.We think why should it be so difficult for us Well Consider I put forward that there is no such thing as easy or difficult rather due to the unique task , destiny that G-d has given each and every one of us we all move ,progress etc at a pace suitable to the challenges of that task, destiny impacted by our choices If it takes us a longer to do something than others that does not mean we cannot do it or that we should not do it,it simply means that at this present time in our lives our unique G-D given destiny demands that we need to take more time,longer, it is part of our development .Our pace may change in a similar situation in the future but we must recognize our present pace, and not be embarrassed by it If we are going at a certain pace of understanding absorbing ,doing ,achieving etc it means that being jealous of someone doing it differently would harm the importance of our pace to our lives, our unique task at the present moment In other words we can and should strive to see if we can increase our pace , do things differently ,improve our pace but we should strive to maximize our present pace, the positive impact,the growth ,the benefit it can bring to our lives and others So when we realize that there is no easy or difficult but simple a difference of pace of understanding,doing,absorbing ,growing ,achieving etc we will never limit ourselves again ,we will never incarcerate ourselves in our self imposed ,perceived limitations we will travel outside of our comfort zones and no matter our station in life we will start living our lives and not letting our lives us. We will find the quality of life that touches the Divine with some non fleeting joy that will bring our lives to beautiful levels or harmony and greatness... Get to know your Miracle Pace Quotient at any given time and find access to the infinite potential that G-D has blessed each and everyone of us with
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 07:35:14 +0000

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