A parent asks our group: Mixed feelings about today - First off we - TopicsExpress


A parent asks our group: Mixed feelings about today - First off we had some success with my daughter - she is in gr 3 and since the march break has been spiraling out of control - well today was the first day in weeks that she has successfully stayed at school without any running away or fits of rage for a predetermined amount of time - yesterday we aimed for 2 hrs but at 1h 40m she lost it and took off running a few blocks away before they were able to stop her - so today we set our sights on 90 min - at 45 min she called asking to stay 2 extra hours cuz it was going so well - but when it came to the 90 min ending she felt she needed to leave - i am so proud of her for using her words to express what she needed instead of running or hurting others - but then when i was there to pick her up - my 6 yr old had been melting down all morning - throwing desks n chairs - difference between him and her however is that the moment i walked in her broke down crying - all anger gone and melted into my arms - where as my daughter will kick and bite and yell and scream even at me.... i decided my son could come home too - he is acting out because of her and having a difficult time - well as soon as my daughter saw that he was coming too - she had a total break down - said i promised she was the only one getting picked up (a conversation that NEVER happened) and just lost her mind - was kicking the crap out of me - punching me - screaming at the top of her lungs - saying every hateful thing she could think of - this lasted bout 45 min before she finally calmed down and asked for me to give her a squeeze hug..... i am exhausted - we are totally held hostage by her - i dont know what to do!! We still praised the crap out of her for her great job at staying but how do i just ignore and bypass the aggression towards her brother when he is having a hard time too!
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 20:37:29 +0000

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