A parents love is unconditional. I live my life with no - TopicsExpress


A parents love is unconditional. I live my life with no apologies or conformation and I hold no judgement on the perceived mistakes my children may make. I have let go of my need for control over their journey and the thoughts I have behind what I feel is best for them and realize I am the vessel they came here through but that they are on their own path as human beings walking this earth. I did all of the shit they do or are thinking of doing (and probably more) and I think I turned out pretty damn good despite not having anyone to go to for talking or sorting things out when things got crazy (I was kicked out at 15 because I wouldnt listen and couldnt be controlled) I will always give advice when asked and guide gently if I have an opinion but will never give punishment for behavior that most would cringe at because I know to my very core that my children are freaking awesome and because frankly I already did whatever they are gonna do at that age and its kinda hypocritical to get angry. They are smart, they are brave, they are strong, they have already been through so much and I want them to always see me as someone who is there no matter what... to talk to, to cry with, to live with, to complain to, to help them if I can, to get them out of trouble and so on. I never want them to be afraid of me, afraid of doing something wrong, afraid of what I will think, say or do in that instance because as far as I am concerned they can do no wrong if its part of their journey. They live with my ex- husband now in familiar territory so they could finish out school with their friends but they know that wherever I go and for however long they need, my door will be forever open to them. Letting go of control doesnt mean I dont care, on the contrary, I care so I gave them freedom from my judgement and control and instead offer acceptance and love no matter what they do. I hope they pass this on to others. I am not the best mom, never claimed to be, but I do my best with what I am given at the moment and I know people wont agree with this but its how I feel. Visiting them thiscoming week and Im about to burst because I wish Thursday were here already.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 12:31:57 +0000

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