A peaceful person does not use violence against another person. - TopicsExpress


A peaceful person does not use violence against another person. There is much violence in this world, make a choice to not let death and killing be a part of your philosophy of living. There are many causes that I am prepared to die for but no cause that I am prepared to kill for. Whenever a person aims to try to convince you that violence is okay, stick to your belief(s) and graciously oppose. Understand that some people will try to prod you by insisting that you are dejection people involved in situations of conflict. You know is not true and that it is a twisted idea that values conflict which leaves many people orphaned, homeless and dead. Be encourage by the reality that violence is not something even those involved in it want, and that peace for humankind as a whole is a valid wish to hold on. To be peaceful is to be able to act with compassion toward those who are violent. Even criminals deserve to know how compassion works, yet when a society incarcerates, and tortures, and enables violence in our prisons and in our hearts, we are the equal of those criminals. Seek to not just give lip service to the principles of a just and fair society and from this set the example. Keep away from violent news reports of violent acts, movies and music with hateful and corrupting lyrics. Envelop yourself with peaceful images, music, and people. Reflection of thought is important; many a hasty response has resulted in a tragic outcome because time to think through all of the issues and angles has not been taken. Naturally, there are times when fast action is essential to ensure safety but these times do not excuse the many other times when reacting with care and consideration will result in much better outcomes for all concerned. If someone hurts you physically or mentally, do not react with anger or violence. Stop and think. Choose instead to respond peacefully. Ask the other person to stop and think and tell them that anger will not resolve the issue at hand. Simply say please do not do that. If they refuse to stop, remove yourself from the scene or situation. Just stop yourself. When you feel like the need to respond to something in a manner that portrays your anger, frustrations, or irritation, tell yourself Stop. Remove yourself from the situation that is bringing on confusion and inability to reflect. By giving yourself the space, you will have time to overcome the initial angry feelings and replace them with thoughtful solutions, including not responding. Practice reflective listening because spoken language is indefinite and people under stress often say things that mask the real things. Listening is a search to find the treasure of the true person as revealed verbally and non-verbally. The importance of reflective listening to living a peaceful life is that you stop seeing people purely from your perspective and start trying hard to dig down into what another person is really saying and meaning. This can lead to effective give and take rather than reacting according to what you think you hear by guessing.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 13:36:00 +0000

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