A peach, possibly the last of the season, and brie. Thats all that - TopicsExpress


A peach, possibly the last of the season, and brie. Thats all that stands between me and my hunger. The peach hasnt a chance. Thank you . . . those of you that send me my hellos and wishes for a happy holiday. I hope this finds you well and enjoying some peace in this hectic world. I must say that without fail, when Im having a conversation with a contemporary, the subject of this terrible chaos the world is in comes up. It all makes sense, unfortunately, that the herd mentality charges to and fro, reacting to its fear like an out of control brush fire. There is little consciousness, mindfulness. Those that have it, seem a fragile light in the face of a dark storm. Lets not think we are helpless. In our awareness, we can choose to contribute to consciousness, be aware that we are of it and it is of us. Thats really all it about, isnt it? The choice to strive for awareness amidst the hell of distractions our minds rush toward, because there seems to be nothing else in this life. We spend so much time in the then and there, and the when and where that we forget about the here and now, which has all the answers to all the questions we could ever dream of. Here and now. The present, where there is nothing but what IS, right now. What am I hearing, smelling, feeling, what is my mind thinking about right now? I can even watch my awareness go from sense to sense while also watching how my mind wants to reference the past and predict/worry about the future. I can see my mnd thinking about things, I can watch it and then check in with my other sensory experiences of this amazing existence . . . that it even exists at all . . . until my mind interrupts with its questions, judgements, and qualification and quantification of every thing, as if by doing so, the minds need to know will rescue it and us from our fear. How does the mind come to this conclusion? I think it is because the mind experiences itself by what it can DO, as in: measuring, evaluating, recording, (audio and video), prognosticating,... creating belief systems, philosophies, all in an effort to establish once and for all that it has some control over its destiny. That it is NOT HELPLESS in the face of its mortality. Fear of helplessness is the father of fears. All other fears are poor cousins. Helplessness to know, do, construct, destruct the inevitability of death. Go ahead, think of a fear and see if you dont track it back to helplessness. The mind cant deal with fear. The mind cant fix it or make it go away even with all the information it can remember that weve accumulated both emotionally and intellectually in our lifetimes. The mind is stuck for an answer. It cant DO anything about it. Of course, when the mind has run through all the possible permutations of its conscious and subconscious and nothing has made the fear go away, then the mind says: Whats wrong with you? Theres something wrong with me? Enter all the psychosis that strangles the breathing organism that is our body with tension till disease waltzes freely through the weakened walls. What can it do? The mind is good for two things only: procreation and focus. Thats it. Procreation and all that has to be grown, built, protected, created and destroyed in order for this species to survive. And focus. Focus on what is now. Not then, or when, but NOW. To focus on what our senses are experiencing in the amazing miracle of existence RIGHT NOW. Just do that, and you will touch the place in you that sees itself connected to all that is, and in those fleeting moments, there is peace. A deeper peace, a peace of belonging. We first experienced this peace when we were inside our mothers and there was no separation between her and us. We were one. We were experiencing that oneness that happens in the NOW, that oneness that is belonging. When born, our senses begin to see the world and mother as something apart from us, and reenforces that perception with a constant recording of our senses experiences, measurements, judgments good and bad. Procreating and Focus. Anything else is illusory, because it makes no impact whatsoever on our helpess-ness and our fear thereof. Well, I bet you didnt expect that for my first rambling in a while. I didnt either, however I guess I wanted to see and hear my philosophy and remind myself what to keep my eye on. Bear is well. Hes trying to convince me to give up dog food, as he already has. Weve graduated to the most expensive brands, yet he expects me to cook for him. Ha! BEAR: - - I know hes tap-tap-arrapping at that computer with its inedible apple with all ten fingers...(what a waste! Not the number of fingers, but the dexterity with which I could climb a tree after my initial scaling of give or take, six feet - and nail that squirrel) - And hes probably saying something about me as he keeps looking down at me like Id said something. I dont NEED to say something, or anything for that matter. My silence carries my feelings and rumbling stomach with much more accuracy. Hes heating up some pasta. No way that he isnt going to share that! Im closing my eyes and waiting. Clever me. Best to you all, p and b
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 03:31:42 +0000

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