A peep into what could be the nature of Ebonyi governorship race - TopicsExpress


A peep into what could be the nature of Ebonyi governorship race in 2015 reveals that it might throw up much of ethnic sentiments among the various groupings in the area . Even as the 2015 general elections seem far away , the three political blocs in the state have commenced alignments and realignments for the governorship position . This is even when the state governor, Chief Martin Elechi has said the slot should go to the southern bloc . People of the Southern and Northern blocs , Izzi and Ezza clans are already arguing as to whether the position should just be left to the South as proposed by the governor without contest contrary to what held sway when the south contested for the position with the others. For Elechi, the bane of Nigerian politics has remained disparity in power sharing . He had therefore suggested that to avert that in his home state the governorship slot should move to the southern bloc of the state . He explained that the Northern and Central blocs of the state had held the governorship position , insisting that it was fair that it shifted to the south to avoid heating up the polity and throwing up distractions. He however noted that some other blocs in the state might dispute the arrangement, but volunteered a way out that dialogue and persuasion could be engaged to convince any disputing elements on the reasons for the rotation of power to the southern bloc . He recalled that a purported charter of equity by founding fathers of the state nearly threw up hitches in the state as the said charter was not written. Elechi maintained that the current arrangement would entail canvassing support of the stake holders in the state to support the move to cause the south clinch the post . Since the creation of the state in 1996 , the Northern bloc had held the governorship for eight years. The Central Senatorial district has been holding the position since 2007 . Prior to the creation of the state there is said to have been an unwritten accord that if the capital of the state would be located in the Afikpo axis , in the southern bloc , Abakaliki bloc would take the governorship seat and vice versa. But that could not eventually be as many developments culminated to the Abakaliki having both the capital of the state and the governorship. How much that option by the governor would work especially as it concerns rotation of the governorship to the south depends on a number of indices . Among the factors, according to analysts , is how much Elechi is resolute to that opinion he has advertised . Even as the governor is known to be a man that stands by his words a number of political observers express fears that he may not do much to effect the transmutation of power to the south . This is even as they do not doubt the sincerity of his opinion on the issue. Such observers point to what became the fate of erstwhile Speaker of the state House of Assembly , Barrister Augustine Nwankweagu and his colleagues in the 2011 elections . The governor had at various occasions, given indications that most of the members of the house would return . That tended to be all he could do as most of the house members including the Speaker who was accused of being too loyal to the governor lost their seats. Remarkably, the 24- member house led by Nwakweagu during the constitution review voted against autonomy of the House of Assembly just to satisfy the governor apparently without his asking for that . Incidentally, only six of the 24 members of the house gained re - election to the house . There is also the argument that Michael Ikechukwu Nwankwo who succeeded the Speaker was impeached despite his perceived loyalty and trust on the governor to save him . Even when the storm had roundly gathered against Nwankwo he was said to have maintained his faith in the governor whom he said loves him like his son. When the governor returned to the state after the impeachment there were high hopes that he was going to affect reversal of the exercise. That however , did not happen. Rather the impeached Speaker was suspended and a probe committee set up to investigate his activities for the six months he reigned . Today , Nwankwo is taking his position at the back bench in the house . Analysts also argue that even as the powers of a governor are limited the expectation is that a seating governor can even without bending the rules influence certain political situations than just express mere wishes . Another factor that might play out in 2015 polity is the Izzi clan in the Northern bloc which puts up the posture that it should produce the next governor because it considers itself to be the largest clan in the state . Moreover, the indigenes argue that between 1999 and 2007 , it was Sam Egwu from Ohaukwu local government council , a minority Ngbo clan that had been in power. They reason that all through the elections no senatorial district had been granted sole chance to run for the governorship. They are thus , gearing up, with confidence on their numerical strength to run against the opinion of Elechi that the south should take the slot. Also to their advantage is that the wife of the governor, Josephine , is from Izzi and seen as their daughter who could subtly rove into the political permutations of the husband to secure victory for her candidates of choice. But the question as to the strength of unity in the bloc will count . Ezza ethnic group is not letting the situation to chance . Typical Ezzas are of the perception that they are being politically marginalised . Some of their elite allege unwritten plot to deny them chances of governing the state . This particular reason , some posit , fuelled the Ezza /Ezillo clashes that claimed many lives. The unfolding development , thus causes the apprehension within some quarters that should the ruling PDP fail to present a popular a candidate from the south for the race, the Ezza factor could pose a credible challenge to Elechi . The same scenario may play up in the Izzi and Abakliki camps as chances are that the Izzi /Abakaliki political relationship could suddenly gain potency . That will have a strong appeal because the Abakaliki bloc may decide to rally round the Izzi candidate from another political party . However , the state chairman of PDP , Prince Ugorji Ama Oti insists that there is no credible opposition in the state , stressing that the ruling PDP is the only political party with visible structure. He added that even if the party gets only 24- hour notice to the conduct of the elections it would win , saying that the Ebonyi people had become wiser . He said ; “A major challenged to those who venture to throw mud at the PDP - led government under Governor Martin Elechi is that he is fulfilling the manifesto of the party. He has put on ground those things he told Ebonyians he would do for them ”. A stalwart of the party and the Managing Director of Chiboy Group of Companies, Comrade Chinedu Ogah spoke in similar light saying that they would support whoever governor Elechi selects to succeed him. Ogah, an insider in the Elechi ’ s political think tank explained that it was only Elechi that would nominate whom the party should support during the 2015 gubernatorial elections . “The governor has changed the fortunes of the state in infrastructure, economically and socially. It will be in the interest of the party if he nominates someone who will follow his footsteps on leaving office and also reposition the party which has helped in actualizing the ideals of its founders , ” he said . He however urged party faithful to be wary of the antics of disgruntled individuals who are claiming that the governor has tipped them for the position . He said that such people want to deceive party members and the people , as the governor has not yet nominated anybody for the governorship slot . Ogah stated; “As a founding father of the state , he will take his time to nominate somebody who will succeed him to sustain the achievements of his government and predecessors . At the right time , we would support whoever the governor nominates whether he is a cripple or a blind man ”. But for the state chairman of All Progressive Grand Alliance ( APGA) , Comrade Jerry Obasi , PDP is living on past glory . He alleged that the present administration closed the doors against Ebonyi people , kept them in hunger and starvation in the guise of execution of projects ; hence the people were earnestly yearning for a change. He said the APGA had become the change agent for the people and would present a credible governorship candidate to beat the PDP . Obasi added that the APGA would replicate what it did in Imo and Anambra states in Ebonyi since PDP has disappointed the people . “We are going to take full advantage of their failure . We have started our sensitization of the populace. We shall start demonstration of our takeover from the point of the coming local government elections ”, he vowed. For the Action Congress of Nigeria ( ACN ) the Elechi -led government failed because it concentrated power on few allies hence it would give way for the ACN come 2015 . The Secretary of Ebonyi state branch of the party, Bernard Ebele explained that no one had accused Elechi of diverting the state ’ s funds to himself but he has failed to deliver . “Nobody is accusing Elechi of having taking money to himself; the problem therefore is that Ebonyi state government today , is government of the father , government of the son and three spirits ”. He said that the governor might have great Visions and mission but these are yet to be translated into realities. “May be they are sharing the money among themselves and their cronies. It is left for EFCC, ICPC to come in and investigate it . I know that well meaning Ebonyians will petition and they may end up in jail ”, he observed. He added ; “I want to assess the administration from its inception; no single project has been completed and commissioned. They said they are building Bridges , Ochudo City. For how long? We are almost reaching the twilight of his administration. Nothing has been done, you can see it ”, he lamented . He noted that many high- flying politicians in the state were leaving the PDP for the ACN having become wide awake of what he described as impending failure of the party and its government . “Don’ t you know what we did in Edo state ? We floored PDP . That is what is going to happen in Ebonyi State , come 2015 ”, he enthused .
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 21:15:34 +0000

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