A person will do / say anything to get a job ..Its the - TopicsExpress


A person will do / say anything to get a job ..Its the unscrupulous boss I am worried about ....It shows the boss have no Nutten ....Guess what , the remainder of the crew , will secretly announce - The Quality Of Service Has Gone Down The Drain .. ..I watched as Anansi , once again - -repeated his Independence -Eid -Christmas- and Carnival Calypso --The PeeEnEm , did the same thing ... .( That TONE , , is getting on the aggravated side now > Like a child that tries to capture some listening audience by wincing .) ..... ..Its We , The People ,who MADE, Ian , popular ..So GUESS WHAT - Next Channel >...Show the Station what they have re employed ....I , as Alexander ,gonneeee .As Um , wenttttt .... ..How could Pra Cash, and ,Ah Nill , sit down as members of Mr Dukeran / De Lima / and Wendy s Good Governnce party and say, - nutten boy , NUTTENnnnnn... . .Heard through Gosip-Gram , a minister s house in Tobago is being repaired , So T H A is putting him up in a mansion at 35 ,000 per month rent .... . .So , Hear the PeeEhEm - Buh Kamlila has a residence , which she is not using , But Maids / Chefs / Security / Groundsman are being accommodated , monthly , AND Tax-Payers money is still / additionally spent for STAFF in the Phillipines .... .So if its done in Trinidad , Why is it suspicious in Tobago ??..?? . . . .We Reach . I just want to know when is the NEXT protest , from Wrightson Road to Queens Park ..Same flipping Foreigner in Air -Conditioned HYATT to REPEAT the same thing Scotts report said ..While Nobody contact Gibbs / Ewatski to find out what are their findings ... . A Villager went into MT Hope , remained on a wheel chair for 4 hours crying .When She Started To Bawl , Then , High Pressure and Vein buss ....same Old Same Old ....Our Natural Disasters are not Earthquake / Hurricane / Tsunami .ITS OUR MINISTERS ......
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 01:20:32 +0000

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