A personal response to a great blog post by my friend Alysse: Im - TopicsExpress


A personal response to a great blog post by my friend Alysse: Im going to comment here and it may be much less eloquent and far too long for Facebook. My response may surprise you. I was planning to write a blog post on this very topic. I have actually discussed it with a few people this past week. It has been on my mind a lot because of some scripture Im reading in my study of Romans for Bare Revelations blog. Im very familiar with the Leviticus verse. I used to respond with, thats old law and it was fulfilled by Jesus. I still think that is accurate. What I didnt realize is the why behind it. It was common practice then and there for Pagans to practice blood letting, cutting, etc self harm behaviors to release demons. They also tattoed their allegiance to a specific god or goddess. God wanted his people to be set apart and an image of his holiness, much like now. Let me preface with, you and I both know I have a large tattoo covering my back and bottom. I will always love my original masterpiece that I will carry to death when this flesh is left here to rot as my soul goes on. The issue I take with myself personally is my reasoning. My first, a smaller midback was a burnt black pheonix. I got it post divorce. It was my screw the world, I am angry and I will find my strength in me and this tattoo. Then I began to truly encounter God and healing. My dad died and I harbored guilt related to that and anger for harm he and who knows who else had comitted against my flesh. My participation in my large piece was a self-reliant approach to healing by blood letting, searing pain, and finding a strength deep within me to move on. My mind, heart, and flesh response mirrored the very thing God detested in Leviticus. Fast forward many generations from Leviticus to Jesus. Jesus suffered a brutal beating, humiliating death, and resurrection so that Jew and Gentile had the opportunity for salvation. In reading Romans 12:1-2 Paul, writing in what I believe to be inspiration, said something like offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is your true and proper worship. These versus along with others Ive encountered lately have presented a new perspective for me. This is not me judging, condemning, or calling tattoing a sin. This is me saying I took a gut and heart check and found myself not seeking God for healing but tattoing my allegiance to the Mary god who can do it on her own. Now I find myself striving to devote my body, mind, and soul-my whole existence to God. That means for me my body is no longer mine to do with as I desire. It is an instrument to serve God. When my beautiful daughter asks me about my tattoo I will tell her the truth, she has her own decisions to make. I made the decision to get a tattoo before I devoted myself completely and boldly to God. This is my lengthy response.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 06:32:19 +0000

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