A personal ride which was planned among close friends later turned - TopicsExpress


A personal ride which was planned among close friends later turned out to be a club members ride since the non members of my ride club( Wolfe Pack Mysore) dropped out at the last minute for what so ever reason......... Day 1 200kms The ride was initially planned to explore Chikmangalore by all of us and two of them would return back on Sunday then the left me and Malli planned to extend the ride to Agumbe, Sringeri and stay at Mudigere and come back on Monday. As planned we 4 me,Mallikarjun, Vatsa & Pramod started our ride from Mysore on Friday evening fueling our bikes paying premium price in Shell petrol pump with their nice marketing strategy. ( All of us got confused and filled premium petrol without observing the rate the guy says now super petrol is cheaper by 5 rs) @ about 5.30 pm we started our journey towards Chikmangalore. A non stop 110 kms drive as our energy levels were high and the excitement of the trip made us drive so long, stopped for refreshment and decided to ware the rain gear as it was drizzling from here back to Mysore we could not drive without rain gear at all. The rain welcomed us from Hassan and did not stop for a minute till we reached Chikmangalore Club. We drove straight to Chikmangalore with one tea stop at Belur and on the way we met 15 more Bulls from RBR Mysore and drove with them for about 17 kms as non of us were able to recognise who is who in that rain and night. Pramods Father in Law and his friend Ganesh were waiting to receive us in Chikmangalore Club at about 9 pm ( felt it was a decent timing for 177kms ) by this time we all were wet our shoes had filled with water our luggages had become wet and our body was hungry for an happy hour which lasted till 12.30 with an awesome dinner. Now time for us take some sleep as we started to the hotel parked our bikes safely and took our luggages and we come to know that all the clothes which we were wearing is completely wet ( we were under the impression that the rain gear will protect us.) we left the clothes to dry a bit and went to sleep...................... Day 2 90 kms Wanted start our day early but Chikmangalore climate made us sleep for couple of more ours and started at about 8 am in the morning to have the mouth watering benne masala dosa from Town Canteen ( which serves the best masala dosa it is about 60 -70 years old hotel a third generation Business) there comes the disappointment the hotel was closed tough to digest the truth our 2 days mouth watering ended up in having an average breakfast @ food palace on the same road. As Malli was not carrying any rain gear and I wanted a gum boot we went in for our purchase and took things required for the evening and started our day 2 journey to Mullayanagiri highest peak in karnataka we started climbing the peak is covered with mist and a heavy rainfall with high speed wind it was very tough negotiating the narrow roads, hands were freezing as it was raining heavily we were not able to wear the gloves fingers were getting frozen and not able to either apply clutch nor give accelerator . We reached the peak and were not able to take any pic nor stand there for a minute and started coming down and parked our bikes in midway as the rain had stopped to take some pics and wanted some rest. By now our body and mind was getting adjusted to climate we started to climb the next peak where dattapeta is there. The road to bababudangiri was getting ready so there was slush and the road was average we went to dattapeta and stopped for having Coffee and started our journey to Kemmanugundi. The chaiwala said the road is not good it will take long time from that point kammannugundi was about 32 kms, in between we took some break the road was too good and the peaks on your right and left were lovely with small falls in between. Travelled for about 18 kms in 30 mins i started thinking what an idiot that chaiwala is he might not know the road is so good the real journey begins now, we took about 1 and a half hour to cover the rest 14 kms the road is so pathetic means i just dont have words to explain the road 4 feet potholes filled with water think the diameter of the pothole its nothing but the whole road is filled with water and you dont weather to drive in middle right or left uphhhhh.... it was so tough that i started seeing the mile board it still says 13kms it was taking very long time to cover a kilometer. This is a forest route and a must for an RE rider i would say and the scenery you will find in this 14 kms is splendid. The real beauty of nature cannot be seen easily. The nature will take you completely inside, you will be tripping high here. The biggest disappointment to me here was my go pro charge had drained out and could not capture the beautiful moments however it remains with every ones self forever. It was time for us refill our body we reached Kemmanugundi at about 3.30 and in whole kammanugundi you do not have anything except one canteen we went there and they served us with hot sambhar and rice which was good and gave us some energy. We had actually booked our room in Kemmannugundi as the government guest houses are getting ready now the room which they showed us did not have water and power in the room so we manged to get a homestay near kalhatti falls down which is abt 10 Kms from Kemmannugundi and started from Kemmannugundi to Kalhatti falls. Kalhatti falls was disappointing as it is not very big. The other falls which is beautiful was Hebbe falls a must visit falls now the government has stopped the entry to it but the locals take you in Jeep which will cost 3000/- its basically a racket. It was late for us to start as it was already 4.30 pm and the day light would have got over so they said cant do it now so we headed back to our home-stay started unpacking our luggage by now we knew that everything would be wet so we opened and kept our clothes for drying and relaxed for a while and started our Happy hour with cherishing the moments we had the whole day unless you discuss share your individual experience to each other your day is not over. Me and Mall were planning for next days ride towards Agumbe Vatsa and Pramod were planning their ride back to Mysore. I felt they were also hugry for more miles but due to lack of time they had to come back on Sunday to Mysore. Me and Malli decided that we will do a 600kms ride tomorrow & heading back to Mysore no matter what so ever time even Vatsa and Pramod felt exciting and said we will join for the ride uphhhh that was another moment we were so happy to ride for one more day and the juices went inside fast finishing the dinner. As we wanted to start early we slept at 10.30pm. Day 3.... 600 +++ kms We all got up @4 am in the morning and started our ride at sharp 5 am headed to tarikere and stopped for coffee but they served us with hot idlis so finished our breakfast and refueled our bikes and started heading towards NR pura and Koppa @ 6.30 am the road condition was so good and we were ripping @ 80-90kms per hr continuously as there was zero traffic. The whole way it was raining and we reach Agumbe @ 9 am Agumbe welcomes us with heavy mist and heavy rain fall the visibility is 5 ft could not see much as it was filled with mist stopped for tea had nice bajjis in the morning started to Sringeri and went to temple , started to Kuduremukha this is another Master peice in the world i should say it is an amazing forest range we passed the checkpost and there comes a deviation towards Dharmastala and Kalasa we took the kalsa route as we wanted to visit Horanadu also we drive for about a kilometer and we had stopped for a break to experience the beauty of mother earth all the cars were coming back and saying a big tree has fallen down the road is blocked. All were saying same you cant go please divert the route however all of us felt lets go and see we had a viered idea of lifting the bike and passing the tree so we started again and come near the tree it was a huge tree a very big tree which had covered the road blocking the road both ways. Vatsa went and saw the place there was a little gap below the tree so we all decided to bend our bike and pass it to the other side trust me we did it with full success and the local press reporter captured the same. The reason for doing so much circus was we do not wanted to miss that ride in Kuduremukha forest and we are bikers we can do anything so be proud to be a biker. Next we headed to Kalasa and Horanadu has an amazing darshan and prasadam as lunch at temple. Now it was time to relax a bit and start the journey to final destination Mysore. We started from Horanadu at about 3.30 touching down Mudigere , Belur and Hassan. This is another route which a biker must do full of curves and very tight curves cutting the road through mind blowing Coffee and tea estates. We reached hassan at about 7 and that was our target aswell to reach Hassan before day light ends from there we paced down a bit and reached Mysore at 9.30pm thats how we cover close to 600kms in a day with full enjoyment. All of us were exhausted and i was even feeling drowsy while riding before 15kms to Mysore. Vatsa,Malli & Pramod thanks for being my ride partners it was an amazing experience. Bare my Grammatical mistakes........look forward to update my next ride till then best wishes to all..... Can view few pics in the album
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 08:48:31 +0000

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