A personal story Ive mostly held until today: June 8, 1998 in the - TopicsExpress


A personal story Ive mostly held until today: June 8, 1998 in the birthing room at our local hospital had began much as it did Oct. 23, 1995 when we were there for the birth of our first child, Mitchell. The only difference was this time we were awaiting a precious daughter! Daddy had his little hunting/fishing buddy and mommy was getting her little shopping buddy, what could go wrong, right??? Within an hour or two I was about to learn WITH HURRICANE FORCE what could go wrong... Michelle & I were resting quietly, both in and out of sleep when suddenly the doors EXPLODED open, through which ran a team of medical personnel as all hell proceeded to break loose! Through the monitors and attachments to Michelle they could tell something was dangerously wrong with the baby. Instantly the team attacked Michelle as a nurse pulled me aside and told me that something was wrong with the babies vital signs. The doctor yelled out that they MUST get Michelle to the emergency delivery room. By then a nurse barely smaller than Arnold Schwarzenegger had jumped up into the bed with Michelle and proceeded to put BOTH of her hands where they arent supposed to be and actually began PREVENTING Ally from coming into the world! They didnt tell me until later, if Ally had made it out naturally she wouldve been strangled to death by the now prolapsed umbilical chord wrapped around her neck! Im not sure what thoughts flooded my mind as I was now chasing Michelles bed and the team down through the hallways and doors headed for the emergency delivery room as the team continued to work. Michelle was now SCREAMING in pain but between breaths kept saying, Forget me just take care of the baby, do WHATEVER must be done, just make sure my baby is ok! Weve all heard the phrase, Time stood still and that day it certainly DID for me. We finally made the last set of doors and I was told I couldnt go in there, instead I was escorted into a side room next door and then left by myself. I could hear the melee, the yells of the doctor to the staff and those screams, those blood curdling screams from my wife! By now they had opened Michelle via an emergency C-section, yes WITHOUT any immediate pain medication. They couldnt knock her out because they needed her awake for such an emergency procedure. I hope Ill never have to hear the hellish sounds of war but Im sure those sounds of a helpless mans wife are likewise near the top of that list of NEVER AGAIN if God will see fit! I was fit to be tied, all of this going on and there I was alone in a room only able to hear my wife and guess as to the condition of my baby girl. I dont know if it was 10 mins or 10 hours, it certainly seemed like 10 days! Then suddenly the most eery silence Ive EVER heard in my life................... What? .......... Hey? .......... Hello? .......... Where did everyone go? ............ This CANT be good, I didnt hear the doctor nor his team, my wife was now silent and I didnt hear a new born babies cries!.......... A million thoughts raced through my mind and NONE of them were pleasant. I was about to break all protocol and blow through some doors and find some answers for myself when slowly the door opened and in walked a smiling nurse, with a little pink and white bundle. She was congratulating me as she handed me this beautiful little package from Heaven. I looked into the bundle and saw THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LITTLE CREATION ANY MAN HAS EVER LAID EYES ON IN THIS LIFE! There she was, a pink skinned, dark haired, tiny little angel sent from Heaven. Her only noise was a few chirps and grunts on occasion. The nurse then told me that my wife was doing as well as could be expected for just having gone through such a horrific ordeal and that she would be in recovery for a couple of hours. I was told to just remain in this small room until they were able to take Michelle up to a regular room. At least I was allowed to keep Ally there with me for that 2 hour wait. So there I paced in that tiny room, just me, my precious little bundle and my racing thoughts. I remember kissing Ally so much I probably wore the skin off her little face and my arms literally went numb but I WASNT about to let go of her! I carried on a 2 hour conversation with a child now only 2 hours old but it was one of THE greatest conversations of my life. Eventually a lady opened the door and said that Michelle was now up in a room and Ally and I could go to her then. Michelle was out of it for a couple of more hours and I just continued to hold Ally but at least the 3 of us were now safely together. So I continued our conversation just me and Ally for another couple of hours and yes the kisses continued. Michelle has always been allergic to whatever it is they give her to knock her out so she was in and out of consciousness and when awake she was heaving. (Yep just what a woman needs after an emergency C-section!) So I just continued to hold Ally as well as held Michelles hand. I learned 2 things that day 16 years ago, that I was INSTANTLY wrapped around Allys finger the instant that nurse brought her into that room to me. The other thing is that I married THE TOUGHEST WOMAN on the face of Gods green earth!!! I thank him for BOTH of them and Im ESPECIALLY PROUD of Michelle for grooming Ally into the amazing lady she has became over the last 16 years. Weve never really talked much with the kids about the above story but I hope that at ANY point in their life if they question the love of their parents or particularly the toughness of their mother, they will remember this day and realize how lucky THEY are for having such a beautiful, loving and TOUGH mother! She lives for them and has ALWAYS put them first, I will ALWAYS take GREAT comfort in that confidence! Happy 16th Birthday my sweet Ally and THANK YOU Michelle for all you have done for and with her, ESPECIALLY with first bringing her into this world. God truly is indeed amazing!!!
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 18:17:08 +0000

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