A phobia is an, often-times, exaggerated, irrational, and/or, - TopicsExpress


A phobia is an, often-times, exaggerated, irrational, and/or, illogical-fear, based, on no experience, or, incident, which supports its existence, with, countless folks suffering from them. One, typically, does not realize his or her phobic-condition, or, reaction to the crux of the concern, til one is face to face with the object or situation, which, conjures-up the uncomfortable-response, with paralyzing-anxiety, frequently, part of the scenario. Many people, whom I, personally, know, are TERRIFIED, and, I mean, PETRIFIED, of snakes, with, none of these, individuals, EVER, having a run-in with one of these, slithery-serpentine-like critters. In that we keep a Ball-Python, on the premises, I, typically, inform new-comers, to my residence, just in case. For me...my FEAR is in flying, with, this, coming as quite, the surprise. For, MANY, years, ago, my, virgin-flight, occurred, with my Dear Dad, at the helm, as he flew me about, in a puddle-jumper. I was not, at all, scared, at the time. Nope...rather, I was enthralled. It was exhilarating and exciting, like nothing ever before. So...imagine my, complete, surprise, when I was scheduled to fly, for the first time, in a commercial-jet, with me, suffering an anxiety-attack to such a degree, that I, almost, did not, board the plane. Where did that fear of flying arise from? Ive asked myself this, countless times, over the years, as, still, today, the thought of boarding an airline-flight makes my head-spin. I have adopted my, own, idea(s) about this, but, wont go into them now. I imagine that a part of what promotes a phobic-condition can be the fear of the unknown; and, often, what we dont know, or, things we are unfamiliar with, make us uncomfortable. Is this what its like for Agnostics and Atheists, I wonder? I am not suggesting that their reaction to God is a phobic-one; However, personally, I, do, believe, that some of what these, fine, folk, feel, IS born out of fear. For, to have faith, in a Higher-Power...a thing bigger than you and me, can, be a bit, unnerving, when, we are challenged to give over some of our, own, personal-power, when, we come to a realization that we, on our own, CANNOT do it all, and, that, we need the love and support that, only, God can give. Some, people, shy away from relationships, in general, for reasons, as this. Instead of understanding that others, in our lives, are and can be essential to our well-being, offering us strength when we cant go it alone, many, prefer, isolation, and, believe that they are enough, on their own. I see ones inability to subscribe to a Higher-Power in this same light. Obviously, there is a great, deal, more, going on, with respect to this, topic. But, I stand my ground, regarding what Ive stated. Naturally, we are all entitled to subscribe to ANY belief-system, or, lack, thereof, in this lifetime. I NEVER judge the faith, feelings, OR, beliefs, of others. I, simply, hold an opinion, and, Im not afraid to offer it. Food for thought, thats all. Just Sayin...
Posted on: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 12:36:33 +0000

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