A picture can say a thousand words!! I look at stuff thats posted - TopicsExpress


A picture can say a thousand words!! I look at stuff thats posted up on this and I think to myself do other people see what I see?? Then I remember life, pictures, statements and conversations can be depicted in several ways and it depends on the set of circumstances around them!! What I see in one picture might not be what you see, what I hear in one conversation might not be what you hear!! And how we go about our lives might not be how others go about theirs!! The reality is we see, feel and live the same lives we just adapt them to suit the set of circumstances weve been presented with.. And then sometimes while your there trying to get on with the life youve been dealt you get influencers who insist on either helping you or trying to hinder you.. This is life and in a country not torn apart by daily and nightly air bomb attacks we have little to worry about.. The influencers in our lives even the ones trying to hinder us are not having that much of a detrimental effect on us, but yet we hear moans of I cant find that dress I was looking for I cant believe the state of your one going out last night I have seven pairs of runners but I told my ma I want another pair I hate my life I still cant find anything to wear for the weekend. This is as bad as it gets for most of us influenced by the media to be fabulous all the time to encourage excessive greed, to promote stick thin models and air brushed celebraties as gods.. And now Ill bring you to Gaza where people are been killed, maimed and destroyed by Israel who are influenced and funded by America the very country responsible for promoting the images of stick thin models and air brushed celebraties.. And who do you think funds all this?? Ask yourselves some questions people, like for example how can I help by not supporting the war on Palestine. For example Starbucks, dont drink their coffee or grace their doors. I used to buy coffee there but I stopped when I did a little research.. Im not trying to put anyone down Im just trying to make people see theres a bigger picture and to open your eyes and ears to whats happening in the world!!
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 11:12:08 +0000

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