A pleasant day to you! How has the week been for you? Fruitful - TopicsExpress


A pleasant day to you! How has the week been for you? Fruitful and productive I believe. When things were not working out in my life, when I did not have much, I thought the solution to my predicament was to travel out of the country to supposedly greener pastures. I tried and tried and every time I tried, I was denied visa. I thought my enemies where at work until God showed me that my destiny was right here in this country. My destiny was to solve the problem of ignorance that so blinds people to the truth. With that revelation, it was left for me to develop the right character that would enable me fulfill the destiny God had prepared for me. You might not have the power to determine your destiny but you have the power to shape your character and you do this through your habits. Your thoughts determine your habits and your habits determine your character and your character can either make or mar your destiny. And godly habits bring about success. I had some really bad habits that I needed to stop and some new ones I had to develop that would inevitably enable me fulfill destiny. Your habits have tremendous influence on you. They determine how successful you will be or not. What were the habits I needed to quit and the new ones I developed? Discover them and get one step closer to becoming an all-round success you once dreamt about.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 07:47:37 +0000

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