A poem for Rosh Hashanah. God bless: New Year Tale Many years - TopicsExpress


A poem for Rosh Hashanah. God bless: New Year Tale Many years ago there lived a man the man was lonesome He worked hard but there was no joy in his success he traveled well but engaged only himself The man had one bowl, one plate, one fork, one cup, one spoon he shared his garden with raccoons He went to the farmer and bought one apple he went to the grocer and bought one chop he went to the florist and bought one blossom he arranged his plate and ate After 5:00 he spoke with no one The man read books until his eyes closed dreamt of winning contests and women with yellow hair Each day the man woke to nothing but the sound of sprinklers and little else, not even a cat Finally the man railed against a sleeping God “wake up” he pleaded, “I beg your grace” “I will worship you, please bring me a sweet life, a full life bring me health, shoulders that ride proudly and a head carried high” And God said to the man “I am not the sleeping one, it is you” The man considered this. He sought council, and in doing so he began to speak. He spoke wherever people would listen. His speaking sparked contagious animation - those who had never noticed him before now called him friend The man did small things and noticed small changes The man tended his garden he learned the phases of the moon, sometimes he softly sang to himself words from long ago summers in language buried deep within Once a year or so the man realized he was going through the motions with half a heart; if that was so with him, so it must be with God Once a year or so the man remembered what had been told to him he blessed his old friend and sought to do more Eventually the man bought another plate and two apples from the farmer (Spot Lit Mag, Fall 2007)
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 05:31:10 +0000

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