A post about our President which I do not support.....Firstly, if - TopicsExpress


A post about our President which I do not support.....Firstly, if theres a man we should have listened to when it comes to foreign policy and politics for America in general, and thats RON PAUL. And I know theres a bunch of kool-aid sippers, that listen to mainstream media and really dont understand the genuine interest this great man has in making things fair for everyone in this great country. you see he doesnt need wealth from politics, so his ideas are wholesome. Well we ignored him again, even after he tore those high dollar Goldman Sachs supported maniacs a new one on public TV for a decade. We continue to put our debts on our children, the dollar is continuing to decline, were constantly murdering the innocent, our secret service NSA etc is all in our business, and on and on. BUT the main idea behind this post is the call to IMPEACH OBAMA. I find that so comical. Our great republic with 535 elected officials that represent our interests plus 200 Senators are going to blame 1 single man for our demise? all these Pro Republican support groups on my timeline are on the bandwagon, we have 800 lazy good for nothins taking bribes or payoffs instead of reaching between their legs, realizing they have balls and stand up, band together and get shit right. Corporatism plays a role in this I know but dam. the idea that its 1 man is an insult. lets impeach all them responsible for letting him get away with it. If theyre not representing our best interest, following the Constitution, then they need to be yanked. Im sure ill hear from those marshmellow heads that listen to fox and rush and msnbc and all those chickenshit puppets about whats really happening. Its NOT 1 man. If you think another Bush is going to right the ship youre out of touch.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 12:19:00 +0000

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