A post from Fred today about why PHC has so much support outside - TopicsExpress


A post from Fred today about why PHC has so much support outside of Hershey... food for thought Ric Fouad: Thank you [name], and well said: some of them do have major issues, and I try my best to make allowance for that. For others, the only issue is a potential job or contract. Between them, and factoring in the toxicity of the schools misinformation campaign, the result is widespread confusion. This is why we see such unbalanced commentary from the alumni in particular. And heres the worst part: you graciously took the time to read this essay. But for many alumni, it comes down to what they heard over a beer at Homecoming, during a regional meeting, or otherwise. Theyre never going to read even one paragraph that I write, nor watch any presentation. In this beer-and-sound-byte war, where the school sends out people like Ralph Carfagno or other full-time MHS employees to spread misinformation – aided by a handful of others (especially the rabid local posse) – were at a complete disadvantage. And it only takes a dozen or so of these human megaphones to create the illusion of broad alumni support for odious MHS decisions. Never mind that 7,000+ alumni are completely uninvolved, or that virtually all alumni would support us if we were able to actually convey the facts to them. The local establishment uses this very dynamic to justify perpetuating the deplorable status quo: “See! The alumni support the wonderful model in place now! It’s just that [select from among the following: “self-serving,” “greedy,” “disgruntled” (a favorite!), “misguided” “wants-to-hurt-kids,” or choose your own!] PHC group that want to cause trouble!” In fact, let me put this out here now (Paying attention, Founders Hall?): we have it from an impeccable source that AG Kanes own office itself has had behind-the-scenes discussions with key anti-reform alumni elements, about how to use the local alumni mob (what Johnny OBrien called his local mafia, which gives you a flavor for the kind of thug tactics involved) to promote their joint agenda. Every indication is that the quid pro quo involves advancing the interests of the alumni self-promoters, in exchange for perpetuating the anti-child Hershey status quo that the state’s leading Democrats (like the Republicans too!) want to remain in place. In Hershey, the villains are not the local establishment alone: the villains are the local establishment and their alumni accomplices. And it has been this way since 1963. This is why you see the bizarre phenomenon of *alumni* throwing Hershey child welfare activists under the bus, and aiding those who are without doubt bad news for needy kids. Most ironic of all, these very same people use the magic of P.R. spin to invert all public/alumni perception, casting reform activists as villains, and the worst offenders as victims! But now we’re onto another complex subject…so I wont repeat the details of the latest embarrassing local t.v. decision, where Abbies life does not make the news, but a stupid and insipid fluff piece does. How these people sleep at night is a total mystery to me. **************************************************** For the record, Fred, I read EVERYTHING you post practically religiously! In fact, while I was a student, before having personal interactions with you, I completely sympathized with your message. I was no ideal poster-child for the school! In fact, the administration was so displeased with my antics that I was never invited into the National Honor Society, even though I graduated as valedictorian. But all of that is beside the point! I did not come come to my conclusions about PHC as a result of some Founders Hall smear campaign, and believe me, the Hershey Mob wants nothing to do with me either. It was only after having post wars with you [Fred], personally that I saw what PHC was truly about: PERSONAL ATTACKS. I am completely on-board for discussing issues, and I am not one of those close-minded drones that gets you rallied up for naught. Do you think that my interactions with you and Joe Berning over the years have been anything less than strategic? Instead of rising above petty attacks and irrational accusations, even from a young alumnus who could have easily been redirected in a logical manner, you stooped to the lowest rung on the ladder and banned me after slandering me on your page. So, here I am, truly apologetic for running you through the loops, acknowledging that you have some good ideas, and wanting you to share them on my page for fair discussion. I do have anxiety at night over the school, and the worst part is that the more PHC pushes, the more reactionary that the school is going to become. We need to find a peaceful compromise before both parties go to shit, and the children are the only ones victimized. If you post here about the issues, we will embrace them, and thoughtfully respond! Your call! Yours Truly, Kiernan McGinnis 12
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 01:15:05 +0000

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