A post from Mommy and Daddy: Things have been a little rough - TopicsExpress


A post from Mommy and Daddy: Things have been a little rough for Savanna recently. Over winter break she had bronchitis. Once she was over that she developed an ear infection. During the course of these things happening she has had more seizure activity which has been either partial or absence seizures. Dr. Lyons decided to increase her medication dose and as of yesterday we have done that. Of course we know that her dose increase hasnt truly had time to have its full effect and that we will have to wait until we will know whether or not its going to help decrease the seizure activity. Over the last 2 months or so she has also been having headaches that seem to get worse with each one that comes. Up until tonight she hasnt been bothered by them too much, but tonight is much different than the ones that shes had before. This one is in more than one spot and hurts worse than normal. Because of these things happening we are taking her to Winchester tomorrow to be seen (most likely at the ER so we have immediate access to tests..etc). We are trying to narrow things down and rule things out before we make further decisions. Savanna is doing a lot of new things now that she is at school. She is working on computers and IPads more. The natural light and television is bothering her again...lots of new things that can be contributing to these things happening, but we dont know for sure. Right now we are still in the gathering information stage. All I know is...as a Mom...Im so ready to have relief for her. Im ready to see her not having headaches. Im also ready to not be on edge all the time.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 01:14:02 +0000

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