A post from a discussion with my friends: Christopher Currier We - TopicsExpress


A post from a discussion with my friends: Christopher Currier We must be born of water AND of Spirit Azubuike. The Word is Spirit, but we must also be born of water, even as Mashiach was baptized/Mikvehed, so also should we follow His example and do so in His name! Even as the Apostles Commanded us in Acts 2:38-39! Whoever believes AND is baptized shall be saved! Whoever believeth NOT shall be damned! Now what us the Hebraic understanding or definition of belieffaith or believing? Action followed belief, or it was not and is not belief, but vanity and false belief/faith! As it is written, faith without works is dead! Also I pose to you this question Azubuike! You speak of repentance or a change of mind! Whos mind or opinion should we then change unto? If YAHUWAHs then we must do what He has Commanded, or else, have you truly changed your mind? Or do you continue to do as you see fit? YAHUWAH looks for us to agree and obey Him completely, and NOT in part! For if two are NOT in agreement can they walk side by side, hand in hand? No they cannot! A Kingdom divided cannot stand! Therefore have the mind of ELOHIM, and agree with Him completely and keep His Covenant, or disagree completely and cease to lie to yourself and others saying you walk with Him. Be hot or cold, but cease from being lukewarm that you might not be spewed out of His mouth at the time appointed for those who walk lukewarm and NOT in Spirit and in TRUTH! We MUST keep the Torah/Commandments of ELOHIM, and walk in or have, the faith of YAHUWSHUWAH HaMashiach or we are in trouble, as they are the only people that Satan desires to destroy and are preserved by YAHUWAH, our ELOHIM! That is in the book of Revelation if you insist that the New Testament is the only section in the Scriptures that continues to be legitimate. All of Scripture is legitimate and continues to be true today. In fact the Apostles and Mashiach taught and preached out of the Old Testament and the New Testament was written later and testified to the validity of the Tanach and ALL the Scripture within and preached the good news out of the Tanach and no other Testament and testified to their experiences and walk with Mashiach and what He taught, of which was in complete agreement with Moses and ALL of the prophets, as we should also be in perfect agreement with them as well! There is little of Torah that cannot be done today! Only those that require the Temple and the Levitical priests cannot be done! Including tithing as that was the inheritance of the Levites as YAHUWAH was their inheritance! We also cannot redeem anything anymore such as the first born of our flocks, or our children, as there is no temple nor priests to pay for the redeeming of such things! There is some we presently cannot do today, but will do in the Millenial Kingdom when the Temple in the midst of New Jerusalem, descends out of Heaven and Mashiach is our King in the midst of the city, tabernacled among us as the glorified ELOHIM, and Everlasting Father that He is! What we presently can do, we ought to do and grow in our understanding of it, and that in which we cannot while without a Temple and while in exile outside the Land of Promise, we cannot do until the Two Houses are made into One Fold, under One Shepherd, YAHUWSHUWAH HaMashiach! It is NOT sin and death to keep Torah, but to violate and disobey Torah, results in Sin and death and the Law pertaining thereto! Torah, is NOT the Law of Sin and death, but the Perfect Law of Liberty as those who abide in it and walk in it perfectly have ceased from sin and death cannot touch them! As sin is to those who break the Commandments/Torah of ELOHIM, and if one sows unto Sin, then they shall reap death! Anything outside Torah is in sin and dead, and any who do NOT abide in Mashiach continue in sin, and are dead in their sins and thus Torah and Mashiach are One and the same! To abide in them is life, to not abide in them is death! Mashiach is the Torah made flesh, and indeed the giver of Torah made flesh! Therefore, He would not come to contradict and save us from Himself, but take out of the way that in which prevented us from abiding in Him, and kept us bound in sin! The Torah was NOT sin, but the breaking of it was and is sin. It was NOT the Torah that bound us in sin, but our nature that we inherited from our first fleshly parents when they broke the One Commandments they were Commanded to keep and thus were bound in chains, incapable of keeping any Commandment until that nature and chains binding men unto sinning inescapably had been removed! The Commandments/Torah convinces us of sin, but is NOT sin in and of itself! To abolish it would never free us, but rather the removing of that in which prevented us from keeping the Commandments/Torah of ELOHIM needed to be removed that we stumble no longer, but walk upright, abiding in the Torah of ELOHIM, in Mashiach, who redeemed us from that stumbling block that kept us bound in Lawlessness and carnality, seeking the things of the flesh over pleasing YAHUWAH our ELOHIM, and faithfully keeping the Covenant He established with our fathers, before us! The Torah and Mashiach were the stumbling block of offense, and now they have become the head of the corner! The firm foundation upon which the righteous build upon and seek to build something lasting, that will endure through the testing of all things built thereupon! Norman Frazier Christopher Currier, I agree and would like to share your post with my family and friends, but I think we need to emphasize that Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit: are one and the same. Isaiah 48:16, and they agree. The Holy Spirit this day leads us into understanding, that at the jeopardy of our eternal life we understand all Scripture and that Jesus spoke the true Torah as documented in the New Testament.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 13:34:20 +0000

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