A post from one of our followers: Does anyone have a fear of - TopicsExpress


A post from one of our followers: Does anyone have a fear of public speaking? I dont mean in front of hundreds of people, Im talking about work colleagues, group of 10 sometimes 30 people whom I know really well. My voice changes, I tense up and cant breathe. I feel faint and nauseous. This especially gets worse as I wait for my turn such as going around the table eg. to introduce myself to a new staff member, or waiting for my turn to report anything on my department. I tell myself all the positives, I breathe but when it gets closer to my turn I feel like passing out with fear. Yet *sometimes* I am ok to speak in a meeting if I know I dont have to, such as when the presenter asks any questions from anyone? If I feel that I have the strength to speak I do, (and have done on a few occasions) and if I feel panicked I simply dont put my hand up, which is most of the time. I feel so angry at myself after the meeting because I did have a question but had no strength to ask it. Im afraid because if I would start to talk all eyes would be on me, and all I would hear is my own voice quivering. I feel crippled by this and I want it to go away. Im tired and fed up of the panic, anxiety and fear thats weighing me down. I want to break the chains and be free. Can anyone share similar story, would be much appreciated. ** Please note, any discussion involving medications will be deleted.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 05:00:00 +0000

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