A post i saw Folks, seriously, on the list of OMG! WERE GONNA - TopicsExpress


A post i saw Folks, seriously, on the list of OMG! WERE GONNA DIE! things I actually give a shit about, ebola ranks somewhere below the pending return of 90 Foot Tall Robot Laser Jesus and slightly above an assault by zombie dobermans wielding chainsaws that fire killer bees. Ebola, like the actual disease ebola, has killed less than 5,000 people. World wide. EVER. Its so deadly that it typically kills its host BEFORE it can spread very far. But it can ONLY be transmitted by touch or exchange of infected tissue. Its not airborne. You cant get it from a sneeze or off a toilet seat. Yes, it sure does suck if youre infected, but as far as pandemics that might end humanity goes, ebola isnt even in the top 100. On the other hand, measles - for which there is a safe and effective vaccine and which its suddenly fashionable in the United States NOT to give to kids because some silicon enhanced TV bimbo says OMG! A totally discredited fake study from twenty years ago is totally real, folks, run for your lives! and which you CAN get from a sneeze - killed 122,000 people in 2012. Thats 122,000 people in ONE year. Again, ebola, 5000. Ever. Heres another point of comparison, in 2012 AIDS killed 1.6 MILLION people. Thats 1.6 MILLION. In comparison, the TOTAL number of deaths from ebola were three tenths of one percent of that figure. And, heh heh, there are cheap and effective methods of preventing the transmission of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, but we cant use them because handing out condoms makes Jesus cry. Frankly, Im a lot more scared of the stupidity of religious fanatics than I am of ebola. Listen, Im no virologist. Im also no dimwitted TV celebrity. Ill defer to the experts at the CDC. If they dont have a problem with the ebola thing, Im not losing any sleep over it. When I see a zombie doberman buying a chainsaw at Lowes, Ill get back to you.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 15:51:19 +0000

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