A post on Romania from Troy Bourne: Romania Trip: Last full day - TopicsExpress


A post on Romania from Troy Bourne: Romania Trip: Last full day here. *mixed feelings* So we made it back from our 7+ hour drive from Oradea. We literally drove to the other side of the country to a point and were about 20-25km from the Hungary border. Even Paula had not been to this region of Romania before. we are both like tourists now. she said jokingly. It was a long trip for sure, but well worth it. We attended a pastors conference... its a group called The Watchers. My last post spoke to what happened in part there last night but today proved to pick up where we left off. We were asked to start later than scheduled to allow some extra time for those coming up for the Saturday sessions. We obliged. In no time we were being called to come to Him yet again. There was a sweet presence in the room and Pb Weeks and I flowed back and forth with each other ministering in a way that is almost innate at this point, all the while with Paula translating the songs with her own melodies echoing and Joseph translating for PB. Both of them truly contributing to the flow and effectiveness. I felt a strong burden at this conference to really be overtaken and under His complete authority as this was so influential to many many pastors in the area. Pastor Brian was his usual crosshairs accurate prophet with many life changing personal words, all delivered with such sincerity and wisdom. We truly have become a team. Pastor Joseph was moved and spoke with a new tone and message today to the people. He will tell you he has caught it... He believes it may be difficult for this as he said, new wine to come into old wineskins. But we agreed afterwards that either new wineskins would come or the old ones with just burst and God will then have to create new ones. I hear him taking ownership of the call to the new thing. And today on our drive there was many questions... wisdom questions... the right questions, from both he and Paula that demonstrated their hearts to carry the torch. As we closed today PB and I pulled two women up and God began giving me a picture which was communicated in prophetic song. Paula spoke to me in the car after and said, it is so new and different... (she almost had a fleeting thought of trying to massage the words to make it easier for what she thought the romanian culture would embrace.) I almost wanted to modify a bit but I quickly heard myself say, no, I trust him and I stayed true to your picture... Im so glad I did... I didnt see that coming. I dont think any of us did. She asked me when I knew how the image would be used. Her transparency in explaining her moment of conflict and resolve to trust really blessed me... and The Lord spoke to her about trusting His imagery when HE would prompt her through this. She possesses MUCH in the way of humility, a teachable spirit and a real hunger for what God wants... and in light of these attributes along with a sweet vocal purity, I really expect God to use her greatly in the weeks, months and years to come. I began singing over these women. The Lord painted this image of the women appreciating the songs of the birds... of them going to the window and door to open them the let more of the sounds come in. To enjoy the melody and even the fresh-ness of the air that the songbirds sang on. If I gather correctly this was an unusual picture somehow to Romanian culture. But what followed made Paula say, Im so glad I just trusted... I watched them get the meaning. The lyric that followed showed Father God listening to the women like songbirds and wanting to hear it more... that when they worshipped it brought His hand to the window and door and He would open the windows and doors. YES YES worship opens doors.... It opens windows of heaven. And I even had a new picture of my God smiling at the window. As many times as I have sung Serenade I did not know how God would flip this until it happen. At some point in the week we sang, surprise us Lord. Well... I was pleasantly surprised and Paula said she was able to really discern the image and message ministering to the people... not just the two women. It as a really special moment for all of us I believe. The leader of this Watchers Group spoke of how moving and accurate and timely and needed this ministry was. All in all this has been SUCH a Spirit led ministry trip its overwhelming. I really enjoyed the ride back to Brasov though it was long. I learned some more Romanian from Yanis, (pastor Josephs 8yr old son) while playing thumb wrestling and he hugged my arm and slept on my shoulder. I think he taught me Romanian so he could chuckle at my pronunciations. But it was great. We got back to Brasov and were taken out to eat by three folks, one of whom I had never met. We got to the restaurant and right very quickly I started wondering if God wanted to use me to say something. About 1 minute later Pastor Brian said, just BAM, Troy do have have something to tell... it will mean more if it comes from you... because you dont know them at all. (He was right... I didnt know him AT ALL... met him 10 minutes previous, and english was very sparse. There it was. BAM. I just said, um, not just yet but I knew it was coming. I just prayed to be given a glimpse of His love for this man. To have the gift prompted by love. A short while later I looked at PB to communicate and he already knew. (Big surprise there right!? its ridiculous how in tune this guy is!) Hes like, go ahead. Of all the things that could have come out... literally on word went right to the heart of the matter. God is forever faithful. Once it was said it then opened the door for PB to also speak to what he knew about... but God had truly pointed it out. This is the longest, most intense time of FOCUSED spirit led ministry with FREEDOM of schedule to move, rest, minister that Ive had in a while and... after two weeks I am not quenched... I am not ready for a break. In fact Im stirred more than ever. Mission and ministry trips always do this. You go to pour out, but often you feel like so much is poured back into you. I received two words while I was here. simple short words... from people that just met me. In this place in life and time, one of the words COULD NOT have been more significant to what I NEEDED to hear from HIM. God met me in a dry place. God proves that we can even minister in the dry place... because its never about us or where we are in life but about Him and where we are in Him. We can be in dry places of life and still be immersed in Him and therefore still be able to flow. Pastor Brian has spoken quite a bit these past two weeks about focusing on what we are and NOT what we arent. Let me tell you there is nothing more powerful than hearing God tell you what you are. Thank you Florentina. If you can... please pray that those who are to pick up and carry this torch of what God has had us bring, demonstrate, preach, carry and impart in Romania will have His courage, strength, wisdom and favor to accomplish this. Such beautiful people here. Well its Sunday here now... 1:27am. Good night or... afternoon for you in the States. We serve and amazing powerful living loving God. PS. Again, please forgive... dont have it in me to proof read.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 10:42:33 +0000

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