A powerful word from Pastor Lindsey Williams, even more so than - TopicsExpress


A powerful word from Pastor Lindsey Williams, even more so than the warnings he gives of global markets set to crash soon: We human beings, regardless of who we are, we have a need. And every human being’s need is the same. It all started back in the Garden of Eden. Now please, we can make all the preparations physically that we want to make. But if that spiritual preparation is not made, the physical preparation is not going to do you any good. You positively must know where you stand before the Lord. And I hope you will view this part (of his video on global economic collapse) and take it to heart. The Bible says For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. Now I know no one wants to admit that anymore, but if the Bible says it, it’s always been right, just like my elite friends have said the things they’ve said, even more so, the Bible is inspired by God himself. It’s not some human being that wrote this. This is God himself who gave it. And he said that man’s problem is a sin problem. The Bible also says that God made preparations for us to be able to take care of that problem. And here’s the answer. The Bible says in Acts chaper 4 verse 12: Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given amongst men whereby ye must be saved. There is no other way. There is only one way according to God. Now man’s got a lot of different ways, but God only has one way. And after all, he is the one that you will stand before some day. Now whether we like it or not, we will stand there. He is God. He created heaven and earth, and we are his creation, and he made preparations for his creation. How did he do it? God sent his Son one day. He sent his son to earth to make an atonement for the problem we have. To make a way out of our trouble, and the Bible says: For Jehovah, for God, so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. He only had one. That whosoever believeth in him should not perish but would have everlasting life. Now he said he sent his son, he sent his son to what? To be talked about. To be hated, to be rejected, to hang on a cross. But three days and three nights later, he proved that the sacrifice he had made had been accepted by his father, because he rose from the dead. He came back to prove who he was. Noone else has ever done that. But he did, because he is the only way the only truth and the only life. And God says for by grace are we saved. How are we saved? Through the sacrifice that Jesus Christ has already made. For by grace. Now that is not works. It says for by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is a gift of God not of works, lest any man should boast. There is no price that you can pay for God’s salvation. There is no way that you can get it by church, or by joining, or by putting your name here or putting your name there, or by what family you were born in, none of that has anything to do with it. Every person will give account of themselves before God. And the Bible says that the only way that a person can be accepted by him is by the acceptance of his sacrifice which is made as an atonement of your sins and mine. And he gives it free of charge. You can’t pay for it, you can’t work for it. He says for by God’s grace are you saved. Just merely believe what God said he would do by faith. And where do you get faith? The Bible says faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. If you want faith in order to be accepted by the creator of all heaven and earth, you can have his grace. All you need to do is read his word. Faith cometh by hearing, hearing by the word of God. You read the word of God, you get faith. You get the faith necessary to accept what he has made for an atonement for our sins, and then you can be saved, and know eternal life with him. That is what the Bible says. For by his grace. It’s so wonderful that there is no way that Lindsey Williams could have bought it. There’s nothing I could do to get it. All that was necessary was to believe God’s word by faith and his Son paid the price. You don’t have to pay the price. His Son paid the price. And you can have eternal life through him. I beg of you right now, would you please, right before that laptop, before that computer, maybe in front of that TV, would you please get on your knees. And would you be willing to accept God’s redemption? That you might have eternal life, and not only that but you would have hope down here, and have guidance in these perilous times that are around us. Now would you please get on your knees, and I suggest that you just talk to the Lord, and maybe say something like this: God, I believe that you sent your son into this world to make an atonement for me. And I’m willing to admit that I have sinned and that I am willing to accept your salvation through your son, and I am asking you to please give me eternal life. And I am also asking you for guidance after you give me that eternal life in these days in which we are living. In the name of your son Jesus I ask it. Amen. lindseywilliams.net
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 09:17:19 +0000

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