A prayer for MR. Lennox Linton if you are in agreement type Amen - TopicsExpress


A prayer for MR. Lennox Linton if you are in agreement type Amen and share Lord of the heavens and earth and everything that is therein, I come boldly before you this day on. I have seen the wicked trample over the innocent with their evil deeds. In an act of desperation the wicked will do anything to satisfy their self-fish desires. The wicked will do anything to attain great power, they don’t care who they destroy in the process but they will do what they think is needed to be done. But you are the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. You are highly exulted and there is none like you Lord Jehovah. Your word declare at the name of you son Jesus Christ every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that you are God. For you are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness, nor shall evil dwell with you. The boastful shall not stand in your sight; you hate all workers of iniquity. You shall destroy those who speak falsehood; The Lord abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man. Lord I left up Mr. Lennox Linton before you, Lord humiliate and disgrace those trying to kill or character assassinate Mr. Lennox Linton; turn them back in confusion. Blow them away like chaff in the wind -- a wind sent by the angel of the LORD. Make their path dark and slippery, with the angel of the LORD pursuing them. Although he did them no wrong, they laid a trap for him. Although he did them no wrong, they dug a pit for him. So let sudden ruin overtake them! Let them be caught in the snare they set for him! Let them fall to destruction in the pit they dug for him. Then he will rejoice in the LORD. He will be glad because he rescues him. He will praise him from the bottom of his heart: LORD, who can compare with you? Who else rescues the weak and helpless from the strong? Who else protects the poor and needy from those who want to rob them? Malicious witnesses testify against him. They accuse him of things he dont even know about. They repay him with evil for the good he do. Lord he is am sick with despair. They mock him with the worst kind of profanity, and they snarl at him. How long, O Lord, will you look on and do nothing? Rescue him from their fierce attacks. Protect his life from these lions! Then he will thank you in front of the entire congregation. He will praise you before all the people. Dont let his treacherous enemies rejoice over his defeat. Dont let those who hate him without cause gloat over his sorrow. They dont talk of peace; they plot against innocent people who are minding their own business. They shout that they have seen him doing wrong. Aha, they say. Aha! With our own eyes we saw him do it! O LORD, you know all about this. Do not stay silent. Dont abandon him now, O Lord. Wake up! Rise to my defense! Take up his case, my God and my Lord. Declare him not guilty, O LORD my God, for you give justice. Dont let his enemies laugh about him in his troubles. Dont let them say, Look! We have what we wanted! Now we will eat him alive! May those who rejoice at his troubles be humiliated and disgraced. May those who triumph over him be covered with shame and dishonor. But give great joy to those who have stood with him in his defense. Let them continually say, Great is the LORD, who enjoys helping his servant. Then he will tell every one of your justice and goodness, and he will praise you all day long O LORD.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 11:33:47 +0000

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