A prayer that we will join together to come against the - TopicsExpress


A prayer that we will join together to come against the strongholds of Satan in our culture. Judges 5 Almighty God, I pray this day that ______________________ and I will be moved by your Spirit to sing to you and bless you and make melody to you as the Lord our God. We know that when you march out to war, the earth trembles and the mountains quake before you. I pray that we will break out in song and recite your righteous acts through the music of worship. I pray that we will always be among those who are willing to offer themselves to you and to the leaders you place over us. We ask you for leaders who will offer themselves willingly to you and to your purposes so that we may willingly offer ourselves to them. When we ourselves are in leadership in public life, or ministry, or work, may the heart of those we lead go out to us and may they offer themselves willingly to us. Bless the work of our hands that we may lead effectively. I pray that we will know when and how to join with others in our land to come against the strongholds of Satan in our community and nation. In the Spirit may we march together against the mighty principalities and powers that are in the heavenly realms. Make us willing even to risk our lives to death to see your purposes accomplished. We read here of the tribes who did not respond to your call to action. I pray that none of us will be inactive in the battle for the souls of men and for the soul of our country. May there be much searching of heart among those who remain idle and uninvolved when you want them to come to your help against the mighty forces that oppose you. Rouse us all from any apathy or complacency and spur us to action. I ask especially for your blessing on the wives and mothers among us who are willing to follow you even at risk to themselves, and who do brave and courageous things. May they be among the most blessed of women. We ask you for political leaders at the national level who will have a strong, robust faith in you, the same kind of faith that was found in Deborah and Barak. I pray that all of your enemies in our lives, in the church, and in our nation may be defeated. I pray that we will always be among those who love you, and I ask you to grant us a glory and a radiance which is like the sun when it rises in its strength. This I pray in the name of Jesus, amen.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 16:03:19 +0000

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