A pretty long post but I hope you enjoy it:) The other day I - TopicsExpress


A pretty long post but I hope you enjoy it:) The other day I was talking about the river and how life is like the flowing water in it that needs to flow on in order to remain fresh and alive. How is this metaphor to be translated when it comes to remove barricades and blocks in the river? Our body-mind structure is in constant interaction with the outside world. As a child we are completely open everything that crosses our way, we simply absorb it spontaneously. As we grow older we tend to loose this spontaneously because of pre-defined ideas and behavior patterns that let us not respond spontaneously anymore. We loose the ability to see everything that comes to us as new and surprising, and give way to to the power of the mind, which rationalizes everything. It is in itself not a a bad thing to rationalize, it is very useful for us to go about our daily activities in an efficient and effective manner. The negative effect of it comes in when we give too much power to this rationalization process, which starts to control and dominate our behavior to the point that we are not even aware of it anymore. If you have trouble just sitting down and enjoying a nice view for half an hour then you know what I am talking about. Your mind is not able to relax, and that is absolutely normal, because only when the mind is absent can you relax. So all that which wants to flow through you in this moment of sitting there at a bench staring into the landscape is blocked off by your busy mind. Tension is there in your body and in your mind, not allowing you to feel the beautiful presence of pure life - very subtle beautiful vibrations that cannot be felt by a tense person. This is a very subtle block in the river and maybe the most difficult to remove. Meditation is a very helpful tool in order to remove this subtle block, which is actually the main block and causes all other blocks to come into existence . There are other blockages that seem more apparent but they are merely superficial, and do not reach the depth of clearing the river that meditation can achieve. Speak the truth at all times - it is one of the ways to clear a superficial block. Sometimes by removing these superficial more apparent blocks at the beginning, we will realize more and more that we have to go to the depth to remove the very root of the blockage. Keep an open mind - reconsider certain possibilities, because sometimes the right time has to come for an idea or for your dream to be able to be realized. So dont stick too much to promises, regrets and old decisions that you have made - as times change so do you and you just have to allow it. Keep an open heart - no matter how disrespectful and harsh it has been treated in the past. It is the only way to function fully again, because the heart is where the infinite power lies. So dont be afraid about disappointments, your heart is able to bear everything if you trust it. Rather try to see those disappointments as a lesson. Life always wants to guide in the right direction, and if bad things happen, they are merely reminding us that something has to be done differently, something has to be changed. If one is serious about moving into this way, the way of removing false believes and blockages in the river, one has to remain very egoless - keep in mind that you are not the one making the decisions - rather you simply remain aware about what life wants you to do and flow with it. You have to flow with the water in the river in order to be able to reach the boundless ocean, in order to merge with the highest possibility - of you becoming a buddha, a jesus, a mohammed - in order for you to become one with the ultimate power. Dont get hold up to long in the blocked areas - they are smelly and ugly places, utterly confusing and desperate places to be hanging around. Something amazing is waiting for you at the end. Everything you every dreamed of is right there at the bottom of your being - flow right into it!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 13:39:04 +0000

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