A preview of A,C Anderssons new book Summer Rayne, out on Aug the - TopicsExpress


A preview of A,C Anderssons new book Summer Rayne, out on Aug the 5th Sir Hugo sat upon his white steed attired in full hunting gear including black leather riding boots, pure white breaches and a blood red riding jacket worn over a crisp white shirt, his foppish brown hair was hidden under a pristine black riding hat. As leader of the hunt Sir Hugo held the hunting horn in his right hand, the hunt would start on his command and his command only. Sir Hugo had six other aristocrats with him, they were amongst the richest and most powerful people in the country. Each one of them all similarly suited up and eagerly awaiting the hunt. But this wasn’t any ordinary hunt, it had a few major differences. For starters it was dusk, the quarry was a human male, a twenty four year old former marine to be exact and then there were the hounds, which were in fact Werewolves. That’s before you go to Sir Hugo and his wealthy friends who weren’t even human, they were Vampires each and everyone of them and they all sat upon their thoroughbred horses waiting for nightfall and for the full moon to shine brightly. The human “fox” was a hulk of man, six feet two, broad shouldered and heavily muscled. The mans physique combined with his military training made him the perfect candidate for the hunt, an untrained weakling wouldn’t last five seconds in these conditions which would be no sport at all. Sir Hugo’s stature and position made it relatively easy to find a suitable candidate for the hunt. Every year he hosted an annual charity Gala to raise money for the Help the Hero’s campaign. Inviting many of those who had fought in the recent campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq. The event also attracted many celebrities and wealthy business people, who wanted some good publicity and a chance to rub shoulders with the right people. Though the reality of the situation was that Sir Hugo laid on these events so he could select the perfect candidate to be his human “fox”. Now the young marine who had been a guest at Sir Hugo’s Gala was stood outside with his hands and legs shackled, guarded by two of Sir Hugo’s human slaves. As he waited in his iron chains the young man had little idea of what was in store for him. Judging by how his captures were dressed he guessed that it was a hunt of some kind and that he was the quarry but he couldn’t see any hounds, what was going to be chasing him? His question was answered only moments later as three more men all shackled together were marched out in front of the aristocrats. The young marine was about to bear witness to the true horror he was about to face. The last embers of the setting sun disappeared over the horizon and the blue sky was replaced by a clear night sky, the star’s sparkled brightly in the heavens like glittering diamonds in the eternal darkness. But most importantly as far as Sir Hugo was concerned was the full moon shining proudly in the sky, a beacon of power that would turn three mere mortals in to savage beasts. The three men who were bound in their heavy chains began to scream and howl in pain as their bodies began the agonising transformation from man to wolf. The imprisoned marine watched and listened helpless as the three men were contorted in pain, their bodies mutating right in front of him. Fur began to sprout from the men’s skin, as their hands and feet changed into clawed paws, as their faces became stretched and elongated, turning into snouts. The marine watched in disbelief as the men transformed into huge wolves. Sir Hugo smiled as she saw the horror and fear etched on the young marines face and he knew the man would not survive the night, at a guess the marine probably knew as much himself. Sir Hugo gave a nod to the two slaves stood beside the marine, they moved quickly to release the man from his shackles and he wasted no time in fleeing for his life. But Sir Hugo bided his time before pressing the horn to his lips. After all this was a sport and It was important that his “fox” gained a decent lead. Eventually the screams of agony stopped and three huge wolves stood on all fours fully transformed. They each looked up at the moon and let out blood curding howls that echoed into the night. Before been set free from their chains the Werewolves were given pieces of the marines clothing to sniff, so they could pick up the scent of their prey. Satisfied all was ready Sir Hugo pressed the hunting horn against his lips and blew, the unmistakable noise let everyone know the hunt was on. The wolves were released and they charged into the woods after their quarry.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 14:36:22 +0000

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