A profound question - What are three things I learned at - TopicsExpress


A profound question - What are three things I learned at #narannual NOLA As I reflect on my NOLA conference experience I cant help feeling proud to be part of the REALTOR community. My conference experience was very different this year, you may even say a different perspective. Karel Murray asked me a profund question that brought me insight and tears. What are three things Ive learned at this convention? Who would have thought this simple question would have such a powerful meaning for me. My first insight is that I have AMAZING friends. So giving of their time and energy to assist me. That somehow the few days a year we share together create incredibly strong bonds. Relationships that started from an online space have blossomed into something so much more IRL (In Real Life). Secondly, Patience is truely a virtue. There is so much going on at convention that you MUST make choices and sacrifices. Most importantly you need to stop and take time to connect. I had an opportunity to connect with NAR President Chris Polychon on the expo floor. It was a truely beautiful moment. As I approached he interrupted his conversation with two lovely women to immediately introduce himself to me. Chris shared with me the story of his brother and some of the challenges he faced being wheelchair bound growing up. He then insisted on taking a photo with me. Now what was really special was Chris got down on a knee to put himself at the same eye level as me. Its those little moments away from the hustle and bussle that create lasting impressions. The third is that people genuinely want to be helpful, they just might not know how. Ive found that the best of the best show up for these conferences and get involved. It can seem daunting sharing your thoughts on how to Raise the Bar in real estate when the countries largest trade organization moves smoothly and surely like a freight train down the tracks. How do you move the needle, change the bearing and make a difference. While talking with Christian Paschall Zarif and Philip Becker NAR YPN Chair we discussed how many associations are struggling with developing leadership and getting younger REALTORS involved. One of the duties in the NAR Core Standards is leadership development. Christian told us how her association has tied that objective with helping offset the costs to send a YPN representative to the Midyear and National Conference. That these events drive home the importance of participating in organized real estate and the friendships and connections made generate opportunities every time. 100 days ago I was diagnosed with a very rare neurological condition, CIDP. A one in a million disorder that attacks the nerves in my hands and feet making them feel as though they are always asleep. In order for me to have reserves of energy I was bound to a wheelchair for the first time. My prognosis is good and should be strong and recovered by this time next year. I knew that coming to New Orleans I would need to lean on some of my friends for support. I just did not know how much their love and support would really mean to me. I did not know that the act of friends standing beside me, literally holding me up would be so profound. That for that brief time I felt as though I could dance. When you have a disability you have a certain reserve of energy. When it runs out thats it. Mine was between 6-8 hours a day. This meant that I had really focus on the quality time and conversations with the people I was with while juggling a full conference schedule. I was more present than I have ever been and have friends for life because of it. Thank you for not listening to me and helping me anyway. It is so hard to let go of independence when you are fighting for it. Ginni Field for a wonderful stroll on a fall morning filled with incredible conversation Karel Murray for encouraging me to look deep and find my gifts to share from this experience. Christian I can not thank you enough. You made it your personal mission to make sure I was looked after, taken care of and protected throughout the convention Georgia Lee Wall for making me feel like I still have it and could catch the eye of the most beautiful woman in the room. Annalisa Moreno for being feisty, ready to take down anyone who might step on my sensitive toes. Cindi Ferguson for being the powerful calm. Your passion for what you do and how you give back is an inspiration to me. Edward Barrios for always being there. You seem to have a way of just being there at the right time. Dawn Headtke for believing in me and giving me the opportunity to share my gifts with so many Kristen Short for including me in so many events and allowing me to express my passion for sharing knowledge. Imran Poladi for being a friend that has shown me the power of opening up to my friends and sharing my journey with them Leigh Thomas Brown for keeping it real and reminding me to find my inspiration Michelle Ahrens for being such a caring and wonderful person. Thank you for all that you have done as the LCL Ed Directors chair this year Bill Lublin for reminding me to laugh at myself and that others far more capable have been much much worse Johnnie L. Phillips for the vivid stories that brought to life the food and the culture you call home. Monica Neubauer for sharing your infectious smile and energy with me and everyone around you. Tony for being hear to hear my journey and that it may shed light on your path Kate Koplinka-Conquest for challenging me to a run in San Diego next year, Im so going to beat you ;-) Kat Sellis for supporting me in so many things and your commitment to building our East Bay Global Business Council Lin Fields for taking time to reach out Richard Silver for being a friend and adopting me as an honorary Canadian ehh Dale Chumbley for showing me strength and recovery can be complete - physically and mentally. Trista Curzydlo for teaching me to find humor in topics that arent always funny and for just being the sweet and sassy you. George and Keith the Bellmen at the Marriott for remembering my name and always checking in with me. And the countless others who held open doors, lent me a hand and of course bought me a drink. After all it is New Orleans. My smile may have masked many things during this conference. From pain, to doubt, to self pity but please know that my smile contains so much Joy and gratitude for everyone who has helped me make this my favorite and most memorable conference ever. I cant wait, 2015 will be our best year ever. Nate Ellis ePRO, CIPS, ABR, SRES, GREEN Dir of Education Contra Costa Association of REALTORS NAR Local Education Directors Chair 2015 NAR Professional Development Committee REBAC Advisory Committee @iN8LS
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 23:18:44 +0000

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