A proper and clear explanation on the biblical doctrines of grace. - TopicsExpress


A proper and clear explanation on the biblical doctrines of grace. There are certain words that you hear in the political discourse of our day that you are told you arent supposed to use even though they accurately describe your views because you know they arent popular. Its no different when one is to proclaim the gospel and teach christian theology. Words such as sin, judgement, wrath, election, predestination, repentance, depravity and sovereignty however offensive they are to the natural man must be talked about along with grace, love, mercy, reconciliation, forgiveness, faith etc to proclaim the whole counsel of God. Not just what we are comfortable with. Passing over hard passages of scripture is not an option. Sure, certain words will have an automatic negative response in certain peoples minds. We all recognize that is true. We are all influenced by advertising and we know you can buy books all over the place on what colors you should use in your advertising and what certain colors mean etc etc. But I dont worry to much about that or worry about how people are going to respond. Christian truth is not to be marketed to people to kind of reel them in and then do a bait and switch on them. It is to be proclaimed. And in the day and age in which we live in where people just hear a word or words their emotions just flare up. They wont think about things or whether its true or false. Just the word or words is enough to do it. And it seems that the TULIP is coming upon hard times, but it doesnt make it any less true or biblical. I hope this blesses you, there is a bit of sarcasm in the beggining but understand the context here. This man daily faces viscous viscous attacks defending the christian faith by many raging people who suffer from a form of ACDS or anti-calvinist derangement syndrome. https://youtube/watch?v=mz5Ekq33Lbs
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 20:55:47 +0000

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