A psychopath with a bad idea is not called a domestic terrorist, - TopicsExpress


A psychopath with a bad idea is not called a domestic terrorist, hes called a mass murderer, or a spree killer, or a serial killer. This is true even if the nut job has a political or religious ideology, which would seem to be a critical element to being labelled a terrorist. No, terrorists only exist when we dont have enough evidence to try someone in the federal court system, or we failed to eliminate a target on the battlefield and now weve captured them--and the problem is other people know it. Otherwise, I assume as soon as we got any credible intelligence from a presumed enemy wed just put a bullet in their head and move on. This is the most logical course of action; but the problem is that the most logical course of action is often not the most moral course of action. Hence the terrorist label conundrum. Some people are sure that at the very least weve caught a bad person, and since in a situation so potentially dramatic in its consequences, they feel that it is best to err on the side of caution; and therefore it is best to create a legal limbo through the use of the word terrorist. Now, I am not labeling any of these terrorists good people, but I am saying that regardless of how they ended up in detention, as a matter of basic humanity, the situation deserves to be resolved--not just for the individual, but for society to be able to measure itself morally. This leaves us with the aforementioned two choices, kill any detainee that we feel has served their military purpose, or find a way to place them on trial in a fair court. I prefer the non-despotic solution of a fair trial. Because to me it is better to live a in a society in which some bad people go free, than to inhibit the growth of an entire society because that society is mired in its own apparent hypocrisy. It is easy to solve our problems with violence and restraint, but by doing so we restrain the very notions of freedom that this country was founded on. If we are not fighting to promote ideals of freedom everywhere America reaches, then what are we fighting for at all? There is no such thing as a terrorist unless you believe so. I do not believe so.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 21:42:23 +0000

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