A psychopathology of the ConDems: Is our Government - TopicsExpress


A psychopathology of the ConDems: Is our Government psychopathic? Psychologists use a profiling technique to diagnose psychopaths. Some of the criteria include: 1. Disregard for the consequences of their actions 2. Impulsive behaviour 3. Lack of empathy for others 4. Inability to take responsibility for their actions 5. Manipulative behaviour 6. Deviation from society’s considered ‘norms’ In recent years, some corporations have been deemed ‘psychopathic’ by exhibiting the behaviour and character traits of a ‘psychopath’. In order to diagnose our Government as psychopathic, it would need to fit several of the (above-mentioned) criteria. So, let’s get diagnosing, implementing our psychopathology, with reference to specifics…. 1. Disregard of the consequences of their actions: The Government did not consult on the NHS reforms they implemented – they just went ahead and did it. GP commissioning was brought about without a mandate for it and the excuse to pursue it was ‘we started it so we’ve got to finish it’. This was the means by which GP commissioning was implemented, by circumventing any consultation process and going ahead without a ‘by your leave’, despite the many protestations from health professionals who predicted the reforms would be ‘disastrous’ – the failure to provide a consultation process (to evaluate the impact of the reforms) is also demonstrative of manipulative behaviour (thus also ticking criterion number 5). 2. Impulsive behaviour: George Osborne, in his first budget, introduced, completely unexpectedly and at very short notice, several measures that were not only controversial, but also unworkable. Then he back-tracked and reversed the measures within the month once they were shown not to work. This demonstrates impulsive behaviour in the decision-making for shaping and implementing fiscal policy. 3. Lack of empathy: In claiming that the Government wanted to get tough on ‘people whose curtains remain closed all morning’ (I paraphrase here) a spokesman, by those very words, was implying that all those on welfare are simply ‘lazy’ – an extremely unhelpful and erroneous generalisation. I would assert that some people’s lives are so devoid of hope and purpose, that they have no reason to leave their beds. Suicides are on the increase, demonstrating that austerity is costing lives. Vetting some cancer patients and those with MS as ‘fit for work’ clearly also demonstrates a lack of empathy. Most normal people would automatically appreciate the difficulty chemotherapy or having Multiple Sclerosis would impact on a person’s ability to hold down a paid job. The Government (seemingly) do not. Otherwise, why are such people afflicted in these ways compelled to seek paid employment by the Government, for fear of having their benefit stopped? Is this more than simple ineptitude on the part of ATOS? 4. Inability to take responsibility for their actions: The Government consistently blames the current situation on the ‘mess that Labour left us’ and on the Global situation, as if they were simply a passive observer, failing to recognise that they have been in administration for over three years. Also, David Cameron’s famous ‘European Vito’ was, in fact, a vote against implementing a Tobin tax on the banks all across Europe (a little-known fact). Subsequently, the excuse was then proffered that we ‘can’t tax the banks, otherwise they’d all simply move to Monaco’ (I paraphrase here). “Closing tax havens cannot be done unilaterally; it has to be done universally or it won’t work” –something which the Prime Minister stated. Is this a case of dissociation of knowledge from action, Dave, or just a ‘mis-remembrance’? Who’d’ve thunk it? 5. Manipulative Behaviour: Jeremy Hunt, in his time as culture secretary, claimed to be a disinterested party in the Murdoch bid to fully-own B-Sky-B – far from being disinterested, he was later proven to have championed the Murdoch bid. The only reason he was not forced to resign was because he was a ‘firewall’ to David Cameron’s misdemeanours – if the one went down, so would the other. This ‘closing of ranks’ is manipulative. 6. Deviation from society’s ‘norms’ Most (normal) people would expect healthcare and education to be an inalienable right, and should therefore be free at the point of delivery. What does Dave think? What are your thoughts? Dr. D. Crumpeydump
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 23:50:57 +0000

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