A public and personal health announcement. If any of my friends or - TopicsExpress


A public and personal health announcement. If any of my friends or family are middle aged or approaching middle age and you havent had a colonoscopy to check for bowel cancer and other similar related health issues then please do so as soon as possible. The earlier you find any potential problems the better. Ive been pondering whether to post the following message for days now due to my own personal privacy concerns but if it helps someone else detect any problems early then it will be all worthwhile. About six weeks ago I had a colonoscopy as a precautionary check-up. Im very fit and healthy for my age, dont smoke, drink in moderation and eat healthy so I had no obvious reasons to be concerned. They found four polyps which they removed, and unfortunately two of them were malignant much to my shock and surprise. They are pretty sure they got everything but strictly as a precaution my doctor and surgeon have recommended that I have 20cm of my colon removed. The operation is tomorrow morning at Wonthaggi Hospital. I will be in hospital for possibly up to ten days, and recuperating at home for at least four weeks. My doctor is confident that barring any unforeseen circumstances I will be fit and well and back to my normal self once I have recovered. My apologies if this post upsets anyone. Im not posting it for sympathy and/or attention but purely to motivate anyone who hasnt had a check-up to do so sooner rather than later. My doctor keeps stressing to me how lucky I am because they have detected it early. Cheers, Tom.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 12:43:20 +0000

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