A quick thought about the future and a reasoned extension of - TopicsExpress


A quick thought about the future and a reasoned extension of society, civilization and humanity, based on where we may be if we keep moving as we are now. Predicting the future is in my evaluations; impossible. The reason being emotions are an unknown variable that influences outcomes. So if one sees one view of the future; there reaction or emotional reaction to that vision and their relating that vision will be influenced by their emotional investment in making the future a reality or avoiding that vision. Parapsychology is not a study of mine; however understanding the potentials of precognitive potential within an event is a variable I include in all my analysis. Essentially what I write here is all fiction but all fiction is hatched from eggs of truth; most are too chicken to delve into. Silence, save for the wind and the scratching that grains of sand make, as they scrape against the rotting facades, that all humanity once propped up. “That scratching may have been what got into the heads of a lot of folks” He laughed cynically. “That ‘scratching’ drives em’ all crazy, echoing in the emptiness of their skulls, where their brains should have been.” He was no one of consequence; if he had any ‘special’ attributes it was he liked solitude. While he wasn’t the only one who survived and he wasn’t the only one that liked solitude, he was one of them that didn’t let loneliness consume him. Some managed to survive holding on to family, others to friends, still others clung to Faith; the one common ground they all shared was: they had something to cling to when everything the represented the façade crashed. Those that had nothing; their sanity crashed with the ‘Façade’. Like the ‘Narrative’ the Façade had become an entity, bigger than life and more important than life to those who lived it. “Necessities are air, water, food and shelter.” He said aloud, answering the conversation he was having with the wailing wind and scratching sand. “And shelter was always an option.” It had been about 40 ‘Moons’ since paper money became toilet paper and kindling and the electricity became a magical rumor. Yeah, folks used it all the time but only a handful understood how it worked and an even smaller number understood how to make it. After the “Saviors” “War on coal”, power plants closed, people like miners and plant operators become dependent on the government and they were spending so much on feeding that growing population of ‘dependents’; they couldn’t afford to build those Nuclear Power Plants, that were supposed to replace the Coal Plants they shut down. “Fools following the foolish” he answered to no one in particular. So “Brown Outs’ became common as did ‘Black Outs’ and the states began competing for dominance of the Power Grids precious amperage. This started a “Quantitative Easing” of electricity and even hospitals became required to rely solely on ‘generated’ electricity from their ‘dirty’ diesel fueled generators as did many other large businesses. The ‘Global Climate Change’ seemed all but forgotten when batteries, gasoline and diesel became more precious than gold and silver. They however, were finite resources, once the ‘Savior’ in his ‘wisdom’ but bans on the production of them. It was never confirmed that the ‘Savior’ had done this out of vengeance or even intentionally. By the time the investigation started, there was a complete collapse of the economy, social order, commerce and civil behavior. While nobody left living in the ‘After’ knew for sure that the Savior had wanted this outcome; everyone cursed his name for it being his fault. Even with the corrupt, collapsing media, sporadic internet and sparse communications; they ‘couldn’t stop the signal’. The ‘Anointed One’ was remembered with greater contempt than even Adolf Hitler, probably because most people these days didn’t even have a clue, what Hitler even was. World Wars ceased when Earth became a world of war; Seven Billion people became seven hundred thousand so quick; not one Liberal had a chance to whine about the horrific tragedy that was befalling humanity. They had been to busy telling everyone how good this would be for the Earth. Billions of rotting animal carcasses, laying out in the open, infecting anything coming near it with plague inducing bacteria that affect all species; is not good for any planet, especially not for a dying one. There had been a military muster to order in the first days of the ‘Collapse’ but the governments, run by politicians and militaries run by those politicians; showed precisely the same ineptitude to tactics, as they had displayed all along. Firing combat trained commanders in lieu of using politically neutered, cronies for command, turned ugly in a matter of days. Their first encounter with CAIR’s NASLJ or North American Sharia Law Jihad; showed them ill-equipped to defend themselves let alone a nation. Much like the ‘The Tet Offensive’; “The Radical Ramadan” routed all foreign and domestically stationed troops in a single night. So devastating was the attack in North America that entire bases and equipment were captured, rebranded and used against the bases local communities. Government employees, once trusted, reverted quickly and followed suite in the attacks. Some of them, staging small or individual attacks in the offices and in some cases; seizing control of them and forcing compliance. Now while I would love to spin you a tale about how just plain American folks, stood up and defeated this surge; that would be a lie. In the end what defeated this ‘world of war’ was the collapse of the Power Grid. Once it popped off for good that was when the nuclear power plants, one by one began melting down. Like nuclear dirty bombs; they released massive amounts of radiation as they ran out of diesel fuel for the generators. Seems 7th century minds that placed no value on human life; couldn’t fathom the need of all those plant infidel plant operators, they executed. They were killing themselves at the same time but saying that, at the time, was being critical of Allah and that would get you killed just as quick. In the ‘After’ or what was left of this dying world, was a collection of sparsely populated zones or pockets of humanity. While gold and silver had once again become valuable, both trust and intelligence had become the most valuable currency, at least in any of the communities that yet remained. Lying held a death sentence in these communities, because so much was lost to humanity due to lies. The mere suggestion of dishonesty would lead to immediate investigating and banishment form those communities. Banishment was a death sentence for most; at the very least a sentence of eventual insanity. While he had neither been banished nor was he insane; he was one of those that bridged the gaps between these pockets of humanity. A trader if you will, he trekked through the nightmare of ‘Beyond the Gates’ without fear. In this he wasn’t alone; many had seemingly chosen such a life and they became glimmers of hope to each pocket they would visit, at least those that survived….. I cannot say if this bleak picture is our world of the future but I can say it is one potential outcome based on the current situation. Yes, some will mock it, others dismiss it but if it makes you think; go ahead and share it; it is after all, just a work of ‘fiction’.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 19:49:51 +0000

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