A quick update from Jon. Not a lot going on on this dreary - TopicsExpress


A quick update from Jon. Not a lot going on on this dreary Saturday. My WBC continues to slowly drop, but red blood and platelets still look good. No need for blood products as of yet. My hair is just starting to thin out. Jenn wants me to hold off on the clippers as long as I can. Still feeling great, already walked my mile early this morning. You know, its still hard to believe that Im here and worried about blood counts and such. It just doesnt seem like something 29 yr olds have to worry about. Its almost like a really long bad dream. It really brings into focus what a vapor life is. Its here today, gone tomorrow, and can change on a dime. Its full of uncertainty. But in the middle of the storm, when life is upside down, there is a sure Rock. Before this year, my life had been relatively easy. Sure there were some of the normal ups and downs of life, but nothing major. No real test. I could tell you then that God was a rock in the storm, but it was really just secondhand information. More of just a truth that I didnt really understand. But in the storm, God has proven himself. I have learned more about Him in the past weeks of storm than a lifetime of smooth sailing could have ever taught. Many of you know what Im talking about. There is no way of adequately expressing it but to say its awesome. The Bible says it rains on the just and unjust. Storms of life come to the righteous and unrighteous. How those that dont have The Lord makes it through I will never understand. And why would you want to?
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 17:44:06 +0000

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