A quick word from our trainer... Advanced Training Only - TopicsExpress


A quick word from our trainer... Advanced Training Only recently it was conveyed to me that the subject of beliefs: the power they hold over how we live our lives, and how they ultimately filter our perceptions of the world, is very poorly covered in the average therapists training. To be frank I find this alarming. Due to having successfully worked with my client’s belief systems for many years, it is abundantly clear to me, that unless we are able to establish what our client’s beliefs are – on any given subject – and then question and change those that limit them, how are we to effect change in our client’s thinking, thus help them permanently change their lives? Beliefs, and the conflict between limiting and useful ones, are at the core of our client’s neurosis. Opposing beliefs, in the unconscious mind, do not offer any contradiction. They are quite simply fulfilled moment by moment. Think about the times you wake up and begin your day only to find that you seem to be experiencing some kind of funk in your mood. Twenty four hours earlier you felt fine, and yet now have no logical explanation for why you feel different. This is due to the tiring of one, perhaps positive set of beliefs, moving to the firing of another set of beliefs that can just as easily be limiting and negative, thus inexplicably changing our mood. Our thoughts (beliefs) tire just as a muscle will tire when used continually. The brain cannot hold one thought (belief) for an extended period of time, it must have movement. Even an accomplished Buddhist is not able to hold one thought for long, the Buddhist is looking to hold NO thoughts, and this is only achieved through disciplined meditation. Many, after reading the last two paragraphs, may be thinking: surely that’s far too simplistic? And my answer is, yes, if that’s what you BELIEVE. The belief our clients issues are complicated, means as therapists we will find the need for complicated, time consuming solutions. Conversely, the belief that the solution is simple, means just that: it’s simple! So simple, in fact, it passes most of us by. So to my point; GOLD Counselling is an Advanced technique for therapists and counsellors who would like to find the root of their client’s pain and confusion. The technique is now approaching its 16th birthday, and as such is still a relatively new methodology, and yet 16 years of successful application, is sufficient proof of its validity and viability as a Powerful Therapeutic Tool. Belief Realignment Therapy is an advanced methodology; advanced, because of its simplicity, and ease in effecting change in our client’s lives. Andrew Freeman
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 13:47:19 +0000

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