A quite ingenious plan to create an alternative to Nazism and KKK - TopicsExpress


A quite ingenious plan to create an alternative to Nazism and KKK in order to accomplish the original goal to continue it. It has been realized that greater power and opportunities to expand the original goal of Nazism and the goal to preserve certain orderly ways of living will continue through this carefully and aptly modified form. The continuation of Aryan, KKK and Nazism may now include other racial groups. If you do not believe it then we shall look at the quite obvious and oddly coincidental signs of a disguised form of Nazism. If youre a trekker then you already know that the following concepts have been drilled into the viewers mind: adherence to protocol, duty, honor, principals, decency, humanitarian aid, basic military strategy, advanced thinking, logic, order, adaptation, strength, diplomacy... These are some of the primary drives behind Nazism and Klan ideals which are thoroughly portrayed in all Star Trek series, or training scenarios, as they have been referred to which if viewed one will be able to note repetitions, repeated emphasis, and underscoring of these ideals and patterns of thought. It turns out Star Trek is functioning as a global networking format for this disguised altered Nazism which includes members of other races, races that are prohibited in traditional Nazism and KKK. It seems a necessary step given that the KKK and Aryan Nazis though widespread and global can never hope to ultimately accomplish their goals. There are too many other races and technological superpowers that they are trying to combat and oppose. How do they grow out of their isolation? A compromise. The plan is simple, create a framework that these different races can coordinate to and succeed in spreading some basic ideals of Nazism to a larger cooperative Klan. The Trekker Klan, or the Alter Klan, a direct Rival to Aryan Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan. Basic cooperation and tolerance of other races is taught in Star Trek, at the same time all of these races are trained to strictly adhere to the protocols, principals and procedures that are taught therein, successfully maintaining a compromised structure of Nazism. An ingenious conservation method indeed. If you are already a Trekker you are already in like chin to this Trekker Klan and you might as well get the tattoo of your choice. If you get the Klingon swastika make sure it is done neatly, it is tricky to master drawing it. Join and do not turn back The KKK makes reference to duty and being called to serve. Original Nazism referred to strength and over powering the weak. Both teach sacrifice as seen here in the Klingon swastika which, coincidentally starts with a K, and looks like a Ku Klux Klan hat on top and half Nazi swastika on bottom in curved angles rather than right angles perhaps meaning flexibility to allow others to join with the understanding of strict adherence to the structure established. The Trekker Klan is already large enough through the Star Trek network to Rival both KKK and Aryan Nazis. Below you see a scheme of Star Fleet emblems appearing in the same list as a Nazi swastika and other Aryan resembling symbols. If you join the Trekker Klan you are almost sure to like it much better than the KKK or Aryan Nation. Do not mistake us for role playing. We are a think tank. As soon as you start to recall what you have learned from Star Trek, the line of thinking, the patterns of training, the basis of the principals you may confirm this in your own way. Dont be apprehensive however. You are not a Nazi or KKK person. This has been modified to include you, white, or Latino, Chinese or black, Indian or Arab. As it is thoroughly drilled in Star Trek scenarios. Geordi Laforge is not important, Worf is not important, Janeway is not important, Belanna Torres is not important, a person with blue skin is not important, what matters is the task at hand and your analysis of it! That is what we coordinate You may as well join. You will feel the cooperation, the support and relation. You have many entry points to come in on. Pick what suits you. The officer (for milder people), the Klingon (allows controlled aggression and scientific knowledge together), The mercenary (another aspect seen on ST: TNG The Hunted and ST: TNG Gambit). There are fields of interest to link to: medical, the psychologist, the science officer, the engineer, Crewmen, warriors... Almost every personality is covered. The bulk of the training comes from Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek Voyager. You may leave the KKK and Aryan Nations behind when you join this Trek Klan of cooperative personalities and professionals. But it is doubtful those who are in the old Klan and old Nazi groups will feel welcome, lest they adhere to our structure. Logic, function, control, structure, order, foundation. A structure cannot stand without a foundation, logic is the foundation of thought. These are the root commands of Nazism and the KKK whether they realize it or not. Their aspirations that they harp on so much for order, decency, taxpaying, cleanliness, education, grooming presentability... is basically the same asserted in this Trek Klan but to a more refined degree. The disguise seems furthered by producing B episodes. Do some episodes seem too corny? Do they seem a bit too nerdy for you? Too much techno talk, does it leave your mind numb? Have you turned off Star Trek before for that reason. Good. The effect is successful. The wrong persons to join have already sneered away. Quite their loss. They may not fit in with us anyway. Start your training from the beginning or choose your own entry point scenario. We look forward to you joining with us. Silent consensus; all you need do is watch and learn the principals, protocols, sense of duty, advanced thinking and cooperation. How do you get along with members of other races youre not too familiar with. Use the portrayed interaction in the training scenarios provided they demonstrate the same structure! Note how the races interact to a single set of intents and purposes. Remember your concern is the task at hand not the appearance of your colleague. His or her... or its analysis is your focus! Look for other likeminded persons, feel connected to something great and aimful. If your someone who is looking for something to belong to that is not a gang or racist organizations then join the Klan of Trekkers. No need to run yourself ragged trying to catch on. Wait until you have time off. 45 minutes a session is all it is required. You may be casual with your training. In time you will see the patterns and tail the secrets of Trek what the thinking leads to, its revelations. No long winded speeches no hard regrets, silence consensus to the ideals therein. Recommended episodes are listed here. Find the episodes On Demand cable providers or internet downloads. View the video clips for a look. ST: TNG - A Matter of Honor (Introduction to Klingonism) ST: TNG - Gambit (A tough interaction) ST: TNG - The Hunted - (Tactics/the Mercenary) ST: TNG - Q-Who - (Know ones limits) ST: TNG - Time Squared - (Advanced Concepts) ST: TNG - Cause and Effect - (Advanced Concepts) ST: TNG - Power Play - (Crisis Training) ST: TNG - Hide and Q - (called to duty/lessons) ST: TNG - The Most Toys - (Captivity) ST: TNG - Allegiance - (Captivity/escape) ST: TNG - Devils Due - (more than meets the eye) ST: TNG - Disaster - (crisis) ST: TNG - The Game - (Evasion/snap out of it) ST: TNG - The Enemy - (Survival/fight avoidance) ST: TNG - ST Voy - Real Life (the klan/mentalities) ST Voy - Scientific Method - (Awareness) ST Voy - Random Thoughts - Thought control concepts) ST Voy - Waking Moments - (More Concepts) ST Voy - Twisted ST Voy - Time and Again ST: Voy - The Killing Game (Anti-Naziism) ST Voy - Initiations (the Trekker Klan/mentalities) ST Voy - Prime Factors (efficiency) ST Voy - The Void (Alliance forming Skills) ST Voy - Counterpoint (Subterfuge training) ST: Voy - Think Tank (A good outline of our klan) ST: Voy - Dreadnought (Proficiency) ST: Voy - The Fight (Configure your mind) ST: Voy - Nemesis (Conscription) ST: Voy - The Chute (Captivity/survival)
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 03:47:10 +0000

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