A quote from the new book, The Power of Neuroplasticity: Joel, - TopicsExpress


A quote from the new book, The Power of Neuroplasticity: Joel, a friend of mine, was visiting a doctor who was working in a lab. She was sorting slices of brain samples of people who were deceased. The doctor would pick up a sample of a brain, look at it a moment, and say, Unhappy brain. Then she would pick up another sample, look at it, and say Happy brain. Sorting through a number of brain samples, commenting on each them in turn, she said, Unhappy brain . . . happy brain . . . unhappy brain, or sad brain . . . and so on. My friend, Joel, who was very curious about what she meant, asked the doctor what she was doing. You can see their lives in these tissue samples of their brains, she said. Some brains look terrible; the tissue is atrophied, unhealthy, it looks stressed and you can see it. They lived an unhappy life. Other brains, she said, look healthy. I call them happy brains. You can see from looking at them, which people lived happy lives, and which people didnt. Amazing! Your comments?
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 04:35:08 +0000

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