A rant and a thank you: I have a lot of friends who sell a product - TopicsExpress


A rant and a thank you: I have a lot of friends who sell a product promising to be a better body system, an overall health improving way of eating and some products that go with it and I want to start by saying they have all been great and have never been pushy or condemning when I have turned them down to take part. I also want to say right off the bat that I am not and willl not be bashing the product or anyone I am friends with that sells the system. It is one thing to sell a product and to market it as a way for a person to healthier, it is a completely different ball game when you fat shame along with it. I have an acquaintance I know through work friends that sells the system that approached me about trying the product. I politely declined as I am on a very specific diet outlined by my doctors and while Im not 100% the best every second (damn you bluecat) I have had the best eating habits and blood sugars of my life since becoming diabetic. When I explained the reasons why I say no to products like this and why I will always say no, the response I received was something along the lines of well obviously the plan you are on isnt working in so many words. I was not upset at this person for pointing out my weight as I have said before that does not bother me. What upset me was the assumption that because I am overweight I must being doing something wrong. While I may not be losing weight right now I am healthier than I have been in a very long time. While outwardly I may not be perfect I am starting to be happier with myself not in spite of my weight but more regardless of my weight, which has allowed for a healthier sense of self as well. So a rant and a thank you. To the person who choose to criticize me to my face without understanding where I am: go to hell. To my friends who sell and use this product and have been nothing short of amazing when I say no, and that I will always say no, thank you. Thank you for having the dignity to not be an a-hole to someone who wont buy your product and the respect to not cross the line and assume that your particular world view about everything is right.
Posted on: Sat, 24 May 2014 06:05:08 +0000

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