A rant that just might help you awaken to whats really important . - TopicsExpress


A rant that just might help you awaken to whats really important . . . . I dont care an iota about Donald Sterling, the Clippers, any of the millionaire players, none of the actors or singers or other millionaires. I dont care about anyone who shows up on TMZ or Dancing with the Stars. I dont care about anyone in any reality TV program. I dont care about millionaires who drive race cars or who head up high-tech corporations. Theyre all big kids who can use all that money to solve their petty problems. But I do care about racism. I care about millions of people of color, millions of elderly people, students and hungry children of all races, religions or geographical areas. I care that the media (with whom I worked for my entire career) are catering to the wealthy while theyre tricking the American people into giving a hoot about their wealthy cronies. If youre spending your time and your energy watching or listening to watch CNN, MSMBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, Fox and National Public Radio are serving up to you, youre allowing yourself to be brainwashed. There are much more important issues you truly must know about so that you can vote responsibly, so you can protest the things that disgust you, so you can make your voice heard and help create a better world for your grandchildren and their grandchildren. Please consider filling your head with something beyond pop culture, beyond watching millionaires competing in sports, beyond the stupid-ass antics of anyone associated with the terms diva, superstar or idol. You should be paying attention to world politics because the conflicts overseas are likely to trigger wars that your children will blindly and patriotically have to fight. Pay attention to the things were ignoring today that could make life difficult or impossible for our grandchildrens grandchildren. Pay attention to ensuring that the people of your own race, religion or ethnicity have access to food, shelter, education, healthcare and justice. When youve begun to pay attention to your people, it will be very, very easy to extend those loving sentiments to people of every race, religion, ethnicity or homeland. Youll understand that were all brothers and sisters riding on a big globe that will deteriorate and maybe become barren of life if we dont wake the heck up. So as you watch and listen to the crap the media are feeding you today and tomorrow, remember what I said about the wealthy and their pitiful problems. Screw them all. Lets look after the real people.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 16:23:13 +0000

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